Employers Forum: Big change coming

Guess the idea of grandfathering in people does not raise enough $$ to do.
So James after the low introductary rate for the first year what does the cost go to? I am, curious.
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
So James after the low introductary rate for the first year what does the cost go to? I am, curious.
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
who else?
Has grandfathering been considered?
What about the purchase any MLS product?
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
I came to the forum via a subscription, but my new company is so small, I don't know if we'll have the budget for much of this type of thing. I'll probably try the trial subscription & see what happens.
James mentioned the benefit of being sure forumites were true HR people - my question to you out there is, how many of you are truly bothered by the few "odd-men out" we get from time to time????
You can stay on the Forum! Your subscription allows multiple people in your office to use the Forum under different screen names. So you and your boss can both use the Forum. Just reply to the e-mail you received and tell us who your boss is and which newsletter it is.
James Sokolowski
juju and Crout: Just let your customer service rep know whose name the subscription is in. You can reply to the e-mail you received or e-mail [email]Forum@mleesmith.com[/email] .
James Sokolowski
I have not been a regular poster, but have garnered usefull information from the interaction of forum participants.
It feels that I will be losing a group of friends when the change comes.
As in many organizations, my HR budget is tight and we have to "justify" each new subscription and/or membership. My hopes are not high to receive approval to purchase another newsletter.
Anne in Ohio
How much does a subscription cost?
I think we have an old e-mail address for you. Please e-mail me and I'll give you all the details.
James Sokolowski
My predesessor must have been an avid reader.
My plan is to do exactly as described.
The multiple user aspect is great also. My payroll/benefits administrator is fairly new to human resources and has been learning from all your wisdom shared on the forum.
Thanks for the advice.
"According to our Forum computer system, you used to be an Employment Law Letter subscriber but aren't anymore. That could mean two things:
* If you still are a subscriber, please contact your customer service representative by replying to this e-mail or by calling (800) 274-6774. Then you can continue using the Employers Forum the same as before.
* But if you don't subscribe to our Employment Law Letter anymore, please consider doing so in order to keep using he Employers Forum."
Sometimes it pays to ask....
Thank you all for the volumns of usefull information that is always at the ready.
ps: and thanks for the useless information too, this has really helped me make it through some tough times.
James Sokolowski
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
Now, what is this thread all about? I feel like a mushroom, sit me in the dark corner, feed me manure and I'll come out smelling and tasting just great, but still just a dumb mushroom!
I guess James is not going to fill me in!
James, where are you, you have my e-mail address!
Sorry, I wasn't ignoring you. I was in a meeting for four-and-a-half hours (don't ask). I just sent you an e-mail explaining things.
James Sokolowski
I don't blame those of you who are cynical about this, but money isn't our main motive, at least not directly. The fact is, we can't really put a price tag on the Employers Forum.
For most Forum members, we don't even know whether or not they're a subscriber. (I fondly call this group UFOs - Unidentified Forum Opinionators). We can't really track how much indirect revenue the Forum has brought in. And we don't know how this will affect new subscriptions and renewals in the future. The Forum staff has some lousy bean counters.
We've intended to make the Forum subscriber-only ever since the Employers Forum was born in 2001, and we haven't kept it a secret. But we got serious about it last year as the Forum grew, which is good, except that our staff is stretched thinner than my Aunt Gertie's spandex pants. x:o
Balloonman and sonny: The Forum staff tried to grandfather people in, but we couldn't get approval. The annual subscription for an Employment Law Letter is $277, which includes a bunch of stuff I'm too tired to describe. There are some other newsletters, too - get your benefits department to subscribe to our benefits newsletter and you all can use the Forum.
James Sokolowski
>We've intended to make the Forum subscriber-only
>ever since the Employers Forum was born in 2001,
>and we haven't kept it a secret. >James Sokolowski
So, why not have a token fee for those who want to be Forum subscribers only--especially for those who currently use the Forum.
#1 thing a consultant shouldn't say: "I could tell you the answer right now, but we're committed to a three month project..." #-o
So, I will be out of the forum.
I'll miss everyone including Don.