Gender DIscrimination - HR FIndings



  • We did what HR professionals should do which was investigate.... I've always been amazing that when asked to explain their behavior or outrageous statements, people get VERY defensive, hostile even and then try the poor poor pitiful me act.

    As far as swimming with the sharks... it takes one to know one... enough said.


  • Did I miss something? Yrunvus are you referring to post 26?
  • She has no idea what she's referring to. Post number 26 was the only one directed at her for her out-of-the-blue comments. The newbie comment that she assumes was for her, was not. I never dreamed that the Forum would be used as a vehicle for somebody to apologize to Dr. King, but, Dasher pegged her well in #34. There's a move afoot to tilt this whole Forum I'm afraid. It pays for us all to be vigilant and question some of the off the wall posts. I've never resented anyone questioning the content of my posts, even my earlier ones that might not have been clear. The resentment over being questioned and asked for additional detail speaks volumes about the poster.
  • Yrunvus, LV stated, “I also own my own Human Resources Consulting firm, Dorsey and Associates which EEO is one of our focuses. I have been trained at both the state and federal levels (EEOC). Not to include my bachelor's in economics and MBA, and hold numerous Human Resources certifications including an EEO investigators certification from the Federal Government.”

    He lists such substantial credentials. As an HR professional, why would I not go to the web site listed in his profile to check out his consulting firm? However, I couldn’t find it, and told Don D so.

    Your response when very little has been directed at seems very defensive. I daresay LV can take care of himself should he so choose.

  • I don't think LV is a male at all, if she even exists. I have a pretty good idea who the person is. yrunvus is also a figment of her own imagination.
  • For you HR newbies, if you were to do an "investigation" to verify if a business is in business, I would recommend that you check with the Secretary of State of where the business is located. By using a businesses website to verify a businesses existence is not typically used by trained investigators since it does not give a complete and accurate picture. Depending upon the state, this process may take several months to be finalized and a business may actually be up and running prior to all the incorporation documents being signed. You may also check with the local Chamber of Commerce.
  • Enough already. If I had my own business, the last thing I would be doing is jabbering away on some HR Forum and giving free advise.

    I also would not come on like gang busters and rile up your fellow professionals. One never knows when you will meet one of us on the way down.

    Usually HR Consultants do not rock the boat with so much venom that the rest of the passengers come at you with the oars.

  • I don't think your business doesn't exist because the web site doesn't work. I just think it's kinda odd that you would put the web site in your profile if it wasn't created yet. Or perhaps it is created and is experiencing technical difficulties. Who knows. Either way, I would like to suggest that if you feel one way or another about something someone posts on the forum, feel free to comment as to how you view the issue or what you have done differently in the past. However, try to leave defensive and accusatory remarks out of it. You are an accomplished professional in your field. Start acting like one and you'll be treated like one.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-06-04 AT 07:05PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Others bettered answered our friend's latest diatribe rendering my post unnecessary.
  • There is no degree in economics, no MBA, no website, no consulting business, no HR background, no credentials in investigation, no credentials at all in fact. Nothing but a fraud and a fart in a whirlwind and a total waste of our time. A mere diversion in our efforts to help each other solve problems and share experiences. Read her last post. Take a look at the butchered grammar, the immature remarks. The people who host this forum need a way to 'out' these people and block their posts, once they have been revealed. James earlier commented that this person is an HR professional. That speaks to James' ability to discern truth as well. But, it's all been fun. A trip. Keeps our skills honed. x:-)
  • "ritaanz,

    I feel like a boxing referee. LV and Don have both connected with some jabs, and they both seem to be capable of defending themselves. But it seems they're getting close to low blows or biting off each other's ear. I'll step in at that point, but I hope they cool off before reaching that point. (I'll also step in when one person is wailing away at an overmatched opponent, but that isn't the case here.)" quoted from James S.

    Again, James, you just don't seem willing to understand that we don't need to be protected from ourselves and have some devine power intervene when you feel things are somehow "Out of Hand". Sit back and let professional Human Resources people handle our own interractions. You might spend your time screening posters instead of protecting them. x:-) Don D.
  • Don,

    In the text you quoted, I was just trying to answer Ritaanz's question. In #56 she asked, "OK James, is this attacking???" I thought she was referring to LV. Or maybe LV and you. Now that I read it again, I'm not really sure who she was referring to. x:-/ Anyway, I think I answered the question I thought she asked.

    You wrote:
    >You might spend your time screening posters
    >instead of protecting them.

    Don, talk about censorship! You complain when I delete one message, and now you want to delete an entire person. x;-) Personally, I still believe LV is in HR because she seems to know more than a typical rank-and-file employee. Other details of his/her story might not hold up to scrutiny, but that's a risk of a semi-anonymous discussion board.

    I also suspect that some of these recent hit-and-run newbies are actually Forum regulars doing a Jeckel-and-Hyde routine. If that's true, I think it's a bit underhanded, and I hope it stops. xx(

    James Sokolowski
  • Interesting theory James. .I'm still wondering about yrunvus being a male named Layla. . Bit sophmoric if you ask me, but of course no one did. .His/her posts, too me are the most disconcerting. Anyway, I'm moving on, there is some good stuff going on elsewhere!
  • I have posted a couple of responses in "good faith" and then just sat back and watched this post develop. I have had an almost morbid fascination with this one, it's been a bit like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

    This last revelation is particularly disturbing. I find myself wondering again if taking posters at face value is the proper way to approach this forum. As cynical as I claim to be, I still somewhat naively trust the posters to be who they claim to be and possessing a genuine desire to learn and contribute.

    I admit that if what James is suggesting is true, I would be very disappointed in those that do not have the courage to post with their real identity. This is not to say one does not have a need to be anonymous on occasion, but to do so to attack others is devious and covert.

    I expect better of people and will continue to do so. If that once again proves me the fool, so be it.
  • I agree with Marc. This thread has been wierd from start to finish.

    Don's original comments early in the post may have been suspicious (as I was) but they were respectful and he called off the dogs once the poster had filled in the sketchier details.

    LV seemed to come on with an agenda or at least an axe to grind. The discussion went downhill from there.
  • Marc, I IS like watching a train wreck in slow motion! I generally trust posters to be who they say they are, but I'm sure there are some who are "double agents" out there whether I know about it or not. It's kind of a pain for those of us who are who we say we are and are here for genuine sharing and advice. Then again, I don't reveal my real name, name of the company I work for, nor a picture of my face because I worry that when I relay an experience I've had on here that if everyone knows exactly who I am and exactly where I work, I might be somehow compromising confidentiality. Of course, maybe that's just me being paranoid. But everything I say on the forum is ME and I definitely expect the same of other posters. If they are making stuff up they're wasting everyone's time. Plus, the truth is always stranger and more entertaining than fiction anyways!
  • I agree Cinderella. When I first posted I was worried about the confidentiality of my company. After all some of us use this forum to vent about employees and management (guilty)
    This thread has become very disturbing. The original poster has disappeared. LV, who's self stated credentials seemed impressive, comes off a little arrogant for a newcomer. I would not and did not come in with guns a blazing. I prefferd to get to know the forum before I did that. As Ritaanz stated it seems detrimental for an HR consultant with a new business to p*$$ off his colleagues right off the bat.
    I will also continue to largely trust my fellow forumites as I value their advice and fellowship.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-07-04 AT 11:59AM (CST)[/font][br][br]I too enjoy the forum. While I may not post as often as some, I have gained valuable insight by reading posts from others, and I enjoy sharing when I feel my imput will be of use. I don't mind the occasional imposter -- it can lend interest to some discussions. However, I agree this thread has evolved into something else all together.

    Reminds me of what my grandma used to tell us -- "Now don't go biting off more than you can chew." That's for you, LV.
  • I don't think you're being paranoid at all, Cinderella. My reasons for retaining a certain degree of anonymity are the same as yours: I want to ensure confidentiality of the situations I describe or ees or mgrs I discuss. But even in my anomymity, I'm really me, I promise! If we all ever get together on a cruise or in Vegas or wherever, I won't wear a disguise or a paper bag over my head. But on the internet, I'm playing it safe.
  • Here's an interesting observation. The last 13 posts have been made by regular participants and all have been pretty much in agreement. Recently, there was a feeling of ennui on the forum. But, what these two interlopers have done is caused the rest of us to circle the wagons in defense of each other. Our bonds have been strengthened. I have intereacted minimally with some of the posters on this thread and others I have interacted with extensively. But, what I have learned is we do have much in common. (Can you hear that stirring patriot music in the background? That's Slogan and me playing our trombones).
  • Very interesting observation. :-?

    When I read your post, Ray, the theme for "The Good The Bad and the Ugly" ran through my head!! LOL


  • Very interesting indeed. AND two points for teaching me a new vocabulary word (I had to look up "ennui"!). As the Teletubbies say...."big hug" xhugs
  • Not to hijack the thread for a French lesson but..."ennui" and "malaise" are two somewhat related French words that have no adequate substitutes in the English language, IMHO. They're extremely useful in any number of ways.
  • Yes, and some may remember in the late 70's President Carter was highly castigated by the press for using the word malaise to describe the mood of the country.
  • You mean Jimmy Carter is now a eunuch?!?!
  • Ba-da-bing. I wondered how long it would take before someone said that, or something similar.

    (Ray, this is our thanks for trying to interject a bit of class and historical perspective x:D.)

  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-07-04 AT 01:20PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Jimmy Carter could pronounce peanut and malaise, but he never learned to pronounce nuclear. He actually thought he was saying mayonnaise since people in his hometown mix peanuts and mayonnaise and get what they think is caviar. This thread has gone even further downhill.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-07-04 AT 01:34PM (CST)[/font][br][br]What's even more perplexing is that I do believe he had a degree in nuceular engineering.

    (I don't think we've reached the bottom yet.)
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-07-04 AT 01:49PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Was Carter the epitome of the "Peanut Politician"? That is a politician of no importance?
  • OOOh, Ray - Pickle Barrell.
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