Gender DIscrimination - HR FIndings



  • Sounds like a tremendous achivement for someone so young. own your own business, I'm impressed.

    We in Human Resources, even those of us over (ahem) 50, can always use more knowledge.

    How come you didn't activate your profile? Usually when I see that, it means that the person's identity is a secret.
  • I attempted to send a personal email to this individual only to learn that it's blocked as well. I will say this: This is the same individual who, on another thread, said, "HR people scare me". BTW, I'm impressed with those credentials. Every time I attend an EEOC seminar, I get some sort of certificate. I can take any one of those and, with 59 cents, can get a cup of coffee. Last year the authorities discovered a couple of hundred corpses behind a crematorium in Georgia. That guy had a littany of credentials as well.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-05-04 AT 11:16AM (CST)[/font][br][br]As an observer rather than a frequent poster, even I can tell there's something fishy about this.

    It seems the recent trend, to create a user name and arrive with gun blazing, only to attack other posters, while claiming to have large credentials.

    It's getting pretty old. Maybe future users of the forum will post a profile, share an e-mail, something to make themselves appear more legitimate.
  • Mel, your observations hit the nail on the head. I would be a lot more comfortable if our fellow contributor was more open rather than flaunting. That's why I asked the question and still do not have a reply.

    OK James, is this attacking???
  • ritaanz,

    I feel like a boxing referee. LV and Don have both connected with some jabs, and they both seem to be capable of defending themselves. But it seems they're getting close to low blows or biting off each other's ear. I'll step in at that point, but I hope they cool off before reaching that point. (I'll also step in when one person is wailing away at an overmatched opponent, but that isn't the case here.)

    mcmel: Yes, I'd like to know the identity of people I'm dealing with. xB-) But I understand why someone would want to remain anonymous for legitimate reasons (not just to make anonymous attacks). When we restrict the Forum to subscribers only, we'll know that everyone is a practicing HR professional, manager, lawyer, etc. But some people will still want to be anonymous.

    I think the best solution is what you're doing now - tell anonymous posters that they'll get more acceptance if they share a little information about themselves.

    James Sokolowski
  • Thanks James, But I am not looking for acceptance only that HR rookies are not mislead with thinking that Don's approach was the way to handle a complaint. It's amazing that no one has been able to discredit the facts that I presented in my responses. They only focused on the fact that my profile was unavailable. Terrible.
  • You're wrong again, LV. I did not focus on your profile. I pointed out that you misrepresented another poster, and I still stand by my post. You obviously did not read his post #3 as I suggested. Also, Cinderella made a good, objective observation. You are the one with a narrow focus. Put your guns away before you hurt yourself.
  • LV if your intent is to keep the rookies from being misled, then why not say "I disagree. In my experience xyz..."? No big whoop if you disagree, but, like some other posters have mentioned, jumping in with gun's blazing over someone else's post is something else entirely.

    Some would say I'm an HR newbie - been in the biz only 3 years. However, as I'm sure you can see, I can certainly think for myself and if I disagree with someone, I simply state it. Do I look up to most people on here who seem to talk sense on a consistent basis? You betcha.
    But, I don't blindly follow Don, Rita, Beagle or any of my esteemed colleagues. However, I do listen to what they have to say and, whether I disagree or not, I try to learn something from this forum.

    You speak of discrediting facts...what facts? You responded to Don's post with an opinion of "that's the wrong way to handle this". That isn't a fact, it's an opinion.
  • Typical response. Trying to discredit someone by making false inaccurate allegations. Sarcasm is great too. Intimidated?
    The certification that I spoke of is through an intense course put on by the National Guard not the EEOC. Didn't mean to sound as if I am flaunting because I certainly am not. There people out there that certainly have more credentials than I. But I did want people to know that I know what I am talking about. Are you now trying to say I am some sort of corrupt disillusioned individual as the one in GA? I would certainly hope that as an HR professional you wouldn't stoop that low to try to gain support. For those interested, my profile has been unblocked, but a profile doesn't offer much information. I like Don's response, he certainly failed to display his credentials in this arena. Again, I wasn't disagreeing with your intent only with your approach.
  • It seems to me that LV and Don are both well-qualified HR people who agree on 90% of the issue, which is investigating complaints thoroughly.

    I also think maggief's situation is so complicated and fact-specific that we'll never get to the bottom of it here. x:-/ I hope she comes back and updates us.

    James Sokolowski
  • Am I missing something? LV's profile was enabled when I looked...not that you get very much info from that.

    And to MaggieF I know this doesn't respond to your questions save one, but I have found HR to be paid well in Arizona IF you are willing to put in some time. You're certainly not going to be making $120K, but after 10 years, I'm quite satisfied.

    I am the Employee Relations Manager. Our department has a separation of church and state, so to speak. In cases such as this, I would represent they employee, never forgetting the needs of my employer. My boss would be representing the employer, never forgetting the needs of the employee. If that "never" starts getting lost in the shuffle, we're a good check and balance on each other.

  • Finally. Very good approach! And very realistic.
  • I don't question your credentials as a HR professional, but I do think that you would serve yourself better by modifying your condescending tone and inflammatory language. As accomplished as you are, (and trust me, I respect that) it sounds like a symptom of your youth.
  • What's good for the goose is good for the gander! Again this has nothing to do with me only the facts and information presented. Thanks for the respect though.
  • For more enlightenment, go back and read the old thread, "Applications vs Resumes". Draw your own conclusion.

  • I feel that the real problem is with the original post...... this is an employers forum and as such, we should ignore all posts that clearly identify themselves as stemming directly from an employee and their issues (real or imagined) with HR. IMHO

  • . . . and miss all this fun! No way.

    Seriously, I learn a lot when these issues get unmasked.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-05-04 AT 02:50PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Speak to the issues at hand. You're boring me. I thought this would be a good discussion on the issues not on one's age, education or experience. At least this has been good for the website. Did you see the number of views?
  • >[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON
    >04-05-04 AT 02:50 PM (CST)[/font]
    >Speak to the issues at hand. You're boring me.

    And I thought this wasn't about you...only the facts. I'll shut up now and reserve judgement as I don't have a lot of patience for guys like you.
  • Oh, contraire. So far it's been all about you. I also don't believe you're a male. Crout was polite in his remark about your youth, when there is immaturity written all over your posts.

    When you mature, you'll let go of some of your defensive attitude and let your real experience give you wisdom.

  • I recall that thread, back in January right? Interesting reading.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-05-04 AT 05:10PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Ahhhhh, 'The web we weave when we practice to deceive'.

    The web site [url][/url]
    does not exist. A search shows a Dorsey Wright & Associates that is an independent and privately owned registered investment advisory firm. And another with the same Dorsey name that provides expert witnesses and consultants, one located in Virginia and the other in California.

    This, plus claiming first to have 'investigator credentials' certification from the EEOC and later claiming it was from the National Guard, as if the Guard has some certification program for investigators of Title VII complaints, is very telling.

    I suggest James start a totally new thread and call it "Amatuer Nite: Let's Fool The Forum". The winner would get an appropriate T-Shirt and would be the one who went the most posts without being discovered. The shirt should be in bright blue, trimmed in red, emblazoned with a Bold yellow "HR BS".

    As a matter of fact, the reality of this all is that this poster is about as real as was steelboy who became aluminumboy who came who knows who.

    And on the rare chance that the poster is real, I still suggest the same T-Shirt.

  • May I say something? And to nobody in particular, but to several in particular: "Never get in a pissing contest with a skunk. Because, even if you win, you'll smell like you lost."
  • Yosemite Sam, 1975, right? Or was it Peppie LePew?
  • Actually, it was Joe Crites, 1971. I was a young engineer, fresh out of college, wet behind the ears, and had just been in a verbal scrap with a grizzled old mine captain. Joe Crites, the mine superintendent, got wind of it and gave me those immortal words to live by. Joe, being quite grizzled himself, had other meaningful phrases that were quite catching; but also quite unprintable. Joe would have been what you call a real life Yosemite Sam. "Oooooooooooooo, I hate that rabbit!!"
  • I'm not new!!! Just because I choose to read and learn as you said I should does not make me a newbie. I'm hoping as many of you stated its making me smarter. Most of the time I sit back and laugh.

    LV thank you for saying what several of us who have met outside of the forum have been saying for I know more than 2 years now.

    As always I'm surprised at stuff I see here. These people actually took upon themselves to find out about you for what looks like to me to discredit you. WOW!!!!!. Let me apologize for bringing Martin's name up. Dr. King if your listening, sorry I mentioned your name on the forum. you deserve alot more respect than that.

    Yes I will continue to sit back and learn. But right now I think I take my chances with the other sharks, you know the lawyers.

  • I think we should go back to the discussion of eating employees for lunch.

  • Might be easier to comprehend. .
  • Oh my, how shocking that we actually did a little investigating. Wasn't that the theme of this thread? Investigating a claim? And a poster came up short after making outrageous statements.
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