Athiest employee cries ' discrimination '!



    This horse has been beaten to death. Let this be the last post on this thread and may it mercifully drop quickly from the first page of the forum.

    Yes many good points were made................

    Good discussion was had..............

    However it is time to retire this thread.

    My $0.05 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • Yes, we're all professionals. Woooo, woooo, woooo! Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk! Boink!
  • Hatchetman - I think that might be the FIRST humorous post from you in my time with the Forum! I love it!

    I think every other post from you has been full of facts and background and such and it just cracked me up to see the silly side of the Hatchetman.

    OK, NOW we can retire this thread. 8-}
  • Ok. Oops! Darn! Shouldn't have replied to this, should I? x;-)

  • What was that about us "HR types" having too much time on our hands? Go back to work now. ;;)
  • I too am glad to see Hatchet's humorous post! When I read it I assumed it was ParaBugle but suddenly was amazed to see it was someone on Hatchet's keyboard. I should have known Beagle coudn't spell Boink.
  • NEWS FLASH! Hatchetman lets hair down!! I love it!!
  • Well, I appreciate the comments that I've used a little humor on this BB. That surprised me because I do have a very good sense of humor. I guess over the past few years have not expressed it much on the various BB's on HRHero, althogh I do express it substantially on the SHRM BB's under a different screen name. I guess I find most of the threads that I post on here to be "cut and dry." I'll be more thoughtful and try expressing my brand of humor more.
  • Hatchet, I love you even more now (no smart cracks Beagle). Just don't ever again wear those starched drawers. It goes to prove once again that we are all judgemental, to varying degrees, and do the snap-judgement thing even on the Forum. Next we will learn that Sonny has short, spiked red hair and a frog tatooed on her ankle. That's the only thing that will surprise me more than Hatchet's Curley, Mo and Larry rendition! x:-)
  • I won't surprise ya on the hair Don, that's for sure although, I have had my tatoo designed and ready to go for 10 years..Unfortunatley, my mom heard my sister and I talking about it and in no uncertain terms said if we got tatoos she would never speak to us again, after she disowned us. I have no doubt that if I do it some time in the future, she would come back and haunt me..It is a fantasy of mine tho not real fond of needles..we'll see. .ya gotta admit it would cheaper than a motorcycle.
  • Ok-was there a case of "discrimination" or "inconvenience" ? Discrimination is illegal, but (get this through your thick heads, ACLU) inconvenience is NOT! Even rudeness is not an illegal attribute. I can be as rude or civil as I want, up to the point where I'm actually breaking a law. But, how far will the courts legislate behavior? Anyway, I appreciate the chance to reply, 'cause this really burns me up. BTW, I think "atheism" counts as a belief system too, and as a Christian I am certainly offended by how widely atheism is practiced in public, school, government, movies, etc., but I don't go running to a judge every time I see some whiny little college protestor urinate on a picture of Christ on the cross.

  • Is this thread retired yet? 'Cause I just got on it, and it looked like fun. (Paper-thin skins notwithstanding.)

    BTW, Balloon... did Don send you a copy of his daughter's prom photo yet? I've got one if you need it.

    ::takes cover::
  • You yankees couldn't handle a Southern girl raised on cornbread and butter beans who learned to wash clothes by banging them on rocks down at the creek! The girls are quite lovely, but their daddies are three headed water moccasins. x:-)
  • x:o Dang! Who got this tired old thread going again! Let it die people, for the love of whatever greater power, or lack of a greater power, etc., please, please, xpray please let this thread die!
  • The Swede1962 started this one up again. He/she even posted a thread on job postings. He/she is supposed to be a member of the Navy, soon to be retired and taking couses for a second career in HR. He/she hasn't responded to my questions with regard to his Personnel Law class. I guess my questions were too hard.

    There's always a first time, but I agree with mwild, enough already. This horse is really dead.
  • Geez Ritaanz, who peed in your wheaties? Give the guy a break. Maybe he's been brown nosing his professors (like all good students should) and hasn't had time to respond to the question. No need for the personal attack.
  • WOCO - are you really WACO? x;-) I've always been around. And so now we all have you to thank for bringing this thread back - thanks WOCO - what a treasure you are. x:-)
  • SM: Listen up! What personal attack? Swede asked for information on the "etiquette" of job posting. The person is taking a class in Personnel Law. The 2 questions I asked were simple if he indeed was enrolled in the class. Frankly, his responce to this thread and your tirade are so similar that I'm wondering if you both are not the same creature.

  • Can't be Ritaanz, SM doesn't list their gender in their profile.
  • Swede may be legitimate; but, I also always question students whose first or second post is an attempt to get us to 'write their papers'. That's why I questioned his/her military service and asked what I did about his/her own contribution to the coursework. Mine wasn't a personal attack either, just an effort to get clarification and comfort level. I want to see that before I want to see us all do cartwheels in responding. (This thread has taken yet another odd twist - Athieism to urinating on breakfast food.)
  • My response was not directed at you. You asked well thought, legitimite questions. You did not question his intelligence.
  • Relax Ritaanz. I did not intend my response to be a tirade, as you took it (my tirades usually have exclamation points). I was trying to be humorous and defend a new comer to the forum. Your personal attack to paraphrase was , I wonder if the questions were to hard. You were implying that he is not intelligent enough to answer your questions. Just as you took my response as a tirade, I took your response as a personal attack.

    What is with the "Listen up!"? I hope you don't make a habit of talking to your peers that way. Some people could take that as insulting. Some people could take being called a creature insulting also.

  • >>I've always been around.

    That was my point. Twice in this thread alone you've told us you're fed up and leaving. Now you know the truth... Once you enter the forum, you are ours forever! Mwahahahahaha!

  • SM: Maybe you'll like this one better. Now hear this! My remark to Swede was pure sarcasm. When we are asked to help with a term paper from someone we do not know, I approach the thread with skepticism and suspicion. The Forum is not here to help students get a passing grade. We are here to give our opinions, experience and in some cases moral support.

    Your "humor" escapes me. Did you consider your remark about wheaties humorous? Ugh! As for the word creature.... my dictionary defines creature as a living human or animal. It was a mild word compared to some that I could have used. Oh, by the way, have you heard from Swede lately?????
  • >I am dumfounded by your hostility. There are plenty of spa's in Arizona. Maybe a good massage would help you relax.

    "Maybe you'll like this one better. "Now hear this!" I take it from this that you intended to insult me and have now done it again.

    "As for the word creature.... my dictionary defines
    >creature as a living human or animal. It was a mild word compared to
    >some that I could have used." See above.

    "When we are asked to help with a term paper
    >from someone we do not know, I approach the thread with skepticism and
    >suspicion." You forgot to add hostility laced with insults. Or vice versa.

    "We are here to give our opinions, experience and in some cases
    >moral support." I guess not in this case.
    >"Your "humor" escapes me. Did you consider your remark about wheaties
    >humorous? Ugh!" Yes I did. I can certainly see that you did not find that funny. My wife tells me all the time I'm not funny all time.

    "Oh, by the way, have you heard from
    >Swede lately????? " I don't know what this means.

  • Swede's name is male, but the gender is listed as female. Do we dare wonder?
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-16-03 AT 08:48AM (CST)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-16-03 AT 08:46 AM (CST)[/font]

    This thread has gone to an entirely twisted place that I don't even have a tirade for..... x:'( What's happening, I'll need to consult with Paul. /:)
  • You can subscribe to a tirade service, Scott. That way, you're never without the proper tirade for any occasion.
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