Kathy in Alabama


Kathy in Alabama
Last Active
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  • We have both (I grill all year long) and I use the gas most frequently because it is so much quicker to get started. Charcoal has to burn a while to be ready to start cooking. Charcoal is a lazy weekend only grill for me. One or the other - gas gri…
  • If a relative has a "signature" dish that they always bring to gatherings, I collect the recipe. I have my grandmother in law's hummingbird cake, grandmother's chocolate pudding, other grandmother's banana pudding, etc. Especially from those who h…
  • a porch swing, good book (murder mystery), and a glass of iced tea...
  • I'm an INTJ - strength of preference 89,50,1,56
  • Another thought for project resources... our insurance company (property and liability coverage) had a free "draft/template" that we were able to customize. My company is a television station, and the draft they gave us was industry specific for us…
  • I agree that a lawyer should be involved - even if it is for customers not competition. It is still a legal, "hold up in court" document you're hoping to enforce. A thought for you... since you are providing such in-depth, specialized training, m…
  • I agree with your post - being legally exempt from overtime has nothing to do with scheduled hours of work. I'd have the supervisor sit down with employee and explain the schedule they are expected to work. If they employee talks about what they'v…
  • Yes - it is taxable compensation. Any health ins, life ins, use of company auto, even a non-cash benefit such as use of the company's lake house will be taxable and should be included in the W-2 that he/she receives at the end of the year. You may…
  • The Internal Revenue Service prints a document called Circular E, Employer's Tax Guide. This includes a definition of an employee. If a worker meets the definition of employee you should pay them through payroll regardless of the dollar amount. If…
  • Is there a productive task that this person could perform in the waiting time that would make paying them 3-4 hours a little easier to consider. If they are on the clock, it is not unreasonable to expect work from them.
  • Thank you very much for your responses!
  • Our company pays 50% of health for both family and individual coverage; 100% of a $25,000 life and add group policy; employee pays 100% of dental and any Aflac policy they chose from the ones offered. We are small - less than 50 employees. Kathy
  • I appreciate your help!
  • Thank you for the reply. You've confirmed my thoughts that we're stepping out of bounds. Is there a regulation / guideline that I can show him to prove that pursuing this further is out of line?
  • This year we came up with a matching plan that I love, and more importantly, our employees are very enthusiastic about it. As the company prospers, the employees share in the prosperity with a 401(k) match. If quarterly revenue meets budget for th…
  • We pay 50% of the premium for both family and individual coverage. If an employee works enough hours to be eligible for insurance (30 hours a week), then they receive the 50% benefit.
  • Last year we trained volunteers after hours (and off the clock, but we paid for the CPR training fee). We had six volunteers to be trained ( out of 27 full time empl). We were also concerned about liability, but the trainer (from a local hospital)…
  • We prepare a job announcement and send it to local college career offices, post it on our website, post it on the industry association for our state's website (for higher/more specialized positions) and also our state employment service website. Th…
  • I have no budget for training material other than this subscription. So, I read the Special Reports if available for the topic I want to train employees on. Or, I'll read back issues (search using key words). I'll make a two or three page summary…
  • We have several employees in the same category. I called DOL, they referred me to the Alabama DOL office. I described our payment plan to outside sales staff (very similar to yours), and they confirmed that outside sales are exempt from this reg i…
  • Thanks to all who offered suggestions. We had our quarterly meeting today, and I discussed the Good Samaritan law and legal liability for first aid / medical assistance. I found an article that suggested the following rules of thumb for offering t…
  • No, he does not wear a medic alert bracelet.
  • We just had our payroll program edited (just took a few minutes) to remove ssn from printing on the payroll checks. When you have direct deposit, employees might be a little careless with their check stubs since it doesn't actually get cashed. The…
  • We are in our third year of an Employee of the Quarter program. We have nomination forms that employees submit, and Team Leaders review and vote on. The form includes lines to describe how the person went above and beyond in the quarter. Every th…
  • Are you sure it's not TB? TB is contagious unless medications are taken by the patient. Question - could we ask for medical documentation that ailment is not contagious?
  • We post job announcements on our website with good luck. If you have an industry association, try posting to their website or newsletter. We have information on all local colleges and fax a job opening announcement to their career development cent…
  • I'd suggest keeping a sign in sheet so you can document attendance at the training sessions - especially on topics such as discrimination, harassment, etc. I purchased a 3 ring binder for each dept. manager (only 8 of us) so they can keep their tra…
  • This is slightly off topic, but the forum does seem to chase a rabbit every once in a while. All television stations, in order to be licenced by the FCC, have to track / document not only our EEOC stats, but also our recruitment efforts. We have t…
  • We have commissioned employees who are subject to chargebacks as well. When commissioned employees are hired, they sign an employment contract that includes the terms of their commission calculation including a paragraph about chargebacks for sales…