Fitness Benefit

Does anyone offer full or partial payment for fitness membership for their employees? If so, how do you track their attendance? Do you reimburse them for months attended with a minimum requirement? If anyone has a policy they can share pertaining to this, I would greatly appreciate it! Currently, our company pays for fitness dues but employees are required to attend a minimum of 8 times. Although, many employees do not come forward to pay if they attend less than 8 times. We want to change this policy and maybe offer to pay partial towards the membership. I appreciate any input!!
Hey, how are you verifying the 8 times? Through the gym? Hope not--makes it sound like you don't trust your employees or you are treating them like children.
And if you are asking the employees to verify themselves, what's the point?
Like Reg, we don't ask for verification of attendance, but just a receipt for payment. We found that if employees don't go to the gym or fitness center and they are paying half, they usually don't sign up again.
The incentive in this program is that employees see and feel a change in their bodies and in their general health.
We offer employees a fitness benefit if they are a member of our group health insurance. A rider on the plan allows up to $150 reimbursement per calendar year. They must be a member of both the plan and a fitness club for four months to submit a claim for reimbursement. Their is no minimum use requirement, and our health plan provider does all the administration.
My employer provides an ee benefit of $200 a yr toward a gym membership/wellness program. We do not track (not sure how???) and if we did, how do set the minimum requirement? 8 times - is that enough??? I don't know.