Hiring girlfriend is legal, therefore OK?

Rarely have I seen a government official make such a public case for the right to hire his girlfriend if he wants to do so (well, after all, it apparently isn't illegal in D.C.). At least Mayor Barry deserves some credit for saying what he thinks. What do you think? tk [B]
Thanks, Tony. I needed to vent this morning.
Here our political leaders are not so bad. We can always compare them to our person who craves the national spotlight...Fred Phelps. (Pssst...be careful...local people who vocalize their displeasure with his group mysteriously end up with slashed tires, legal problems and other issues that weigh them down...don't tell anyone I mentioned him.)
Nope, I am not a resident of Memphis; just have the joy of working and living here for now.
It is sad that he keeps getting elected but there are reasons for that (he believes it is because he was "appointed by God"). There was an attempt at a recall but it failed.
I won't tell on you if you won't tell on me. O:)
I've never heard of Phelps. Who is he and what has he done to incur such wrath?
Is he really Michael Phelps' father?
I guess someone must really hate Michael Phelps to suggest that. lol
FP has been on 60 Minutes a number of times. Local authorities here have spent hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars trying to prosecute him to no avail. He is a disbarred lawyer, but many family members work in law and they are all very knowledgable. The church, by the way, is closed. You can only go to it if you have been invited.
Most family members spend their days protesting around town or working to supply income for their cause. A few family members have left the family and moved far away (Canada for instance).
The really sad part is that he first gained a reputation when he fought for people of color and won several lawsuits. Check him out on wikipedia. He is getting old, but I have been told that the cause won't die with him. I hear his grandson is just like him.