How would you like to go?

When the time comes, how would you like to leave this earth? Although, the linked story is sad, there are probably worse ways to go.
I decided years ago that I am not going to die. ::pb&J::
If God refuses my deal then I would like to go peacefully in my sleep at the ripe old age of 107, still having all my faculties until the bitter end. But, considering the way I drive I believe it is most likely that I will leave this earth after a squeal of tires and a big [FONT=Impact]CRUNCH[/FONT].
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather--who died peacefully
in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather--who died peacefully
in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.[/QUOTE]
I love it!
I have to say, no matter how fond I am of chocolate, the thought of drowning in anything liquid or semi-liquid would NOT be my preferred way to go. When I was a kid I got tangled up in some water weeds in a river I was playing in and ended up stuck under the water and didn't get loose until I was nearly out of breath. Because of that, I don't even like putting my face directly under the spray when I'm in the shower.
I've always said that my preferred way to go is when I'm 110 years old, sleeping peacefully in my bed next to a younger man. My husband is seven years younger than me, so if I can just keep him going until he's 103, my plan should work.
(I confess, that was originally my Dad's line, but I've adopted it.)
After the story were many posts from readers, some were filled with terrible jokes. I hate that I laughed at so many of them. :ball and chain:
It's taking a walk while playing around. There is too much flat direction in a walk. This way you have to chase your ball here and there while trying to dodge the balls that come your way. A couple of weeks ago my ball hit the side of the cart path and went backwards quite some ways. Now THAT was exciting!
Smart aleck :mad:
Actually I have found a cart quite helpful when I 'run the table'. My shots aren't too wild since I haven't killed anyone with a stray ball, yet - but that day could be fast approaching
When we last played we won 4 out of 5 games, and when we lost you would have thought the world had ended. Stomping of feet over a missed shot, etc. And my partner behaved badly as well!
My filter's pump is broken (waiting on a part) so the water is now stagnant and green (highly offensive). Not only that but the frogs who have taken up residence in my pool are almost the same size as my dog! It is quite possible that I may have to start shooting at the pool soon...:D
The other day I was shooting cans with my high power pellet gun (this is amazing stress relief if you haven't tried it). I thought it would be fun to shoot a golf ball: small bright target.
I didnt realize how resiliant your ordinary golf ball is. The pellet (flying at 1100 feet per second) hit the golf ball and came right back at me. I heard it go over my head. I checked the golf ball and there wasn't the slightest SCUFF on it. Keep in mind these pellets can shoot through 1/2 inch plywood.
You are scarier than Gerald Ford!
So someone somewhere in Washington State is wondering just how the heck that pellet got lodged in their skull?
My niece was shot in the scalp with a BB gun - the BB got lodged in there and had to be removed at the ER, left a little scar. I can't say I blame the boy who took aim and fired at her, she is even snarkier than I am!
Golf balls have to be hard. Remember that people are hitting them with titanium and they they have to bounce off trees, concrete paths, and who knows what all. Still, I had no idea they were that hard. I will show them a little more respect just before I whack 'em with my clubs.
I can't remember if that was the year before, or the year after, he burned his hand badly by grabbing the manifold of a chain saw. Of course, that was the same chain saw that nicked the top of his head on the 4th of July a couple of years ago. Did I mention the stitches in his hand when he tried to replace our toilet (all done around that time)? Last year I had him in emergency when he fell out of a 1st floor window into a wrought iron fence and had to have 20+ stitches around his eye. He has been doing very good lately though. We haven't been to the emergency room in over a year. I think he has learned the power of focus.