"Fox 'Regrets' Remarks About Blacks"



  • I have reports coming in from the Salvadorian community that the Mexican Army is working overtime in eradicating the muslim extremists coming from the middle east and from places like the Phillipines.

    I can't vouch for the accuracy of these reports, but these people, who make the trek through Mexico into the U.S. claim that the Mexican Army is setting-up checkpoints at various known immigrant routes in order to "cleanse" the groups crossing into the U.S.

    The rationale is that Vicente is willing to do this because there is fear that if a terrorist is caught or is confirmed as having crossed from Mexico then it's batten down the hatches.

    I had a guy in the other day who could not provide me with proof of identity nor eligibility to work in the U.S. I always debrief these guys in a friendly way and they tell me all sorts of stuff from the front lines as most of them just got to the U.S.

    This guy told me that the Coyotes at the border, afraid of stepped-up patrols and vigilante groups due to the fear of terrorists, are afraid of the potential for more difficult crossings, so they are using the deadly Salvadorian-based gang MS-13 to whack middle easterners in the desert.

  • They don't want the goose killed lest the eggs become no longer available.
  • I am appalled, disheartened and saddened by this commentary. Whacking a people in the dessert is an awful thought. I thought that stopped two years ago with the Kurds and Saddam. And your suggestion that there is collusion between Mr. Fox and our fine Republican president cannot be accurate. You also seem to toy with the idea that 'we' are waiting for a terrorist to commit another act, tracking his history to the border, then and only then acting on our collective problem with the leaking dike. But I agree it's less expensive to whack in the desert than to plug dikes on our dime. This guy you could not hire due to lack of documentation....did you refer him to PoRk? He will have no problem getting on down there. x:-) x}>
  • He can ride on the 53' unvented trailer that pOrk uses as temporary lodging for his recruits while he AWAITs BlesSED confirmation THAT THESE "FOREIGN NATIONALS" are illegal NOMADS.
  • One people, two people, three people, four ----
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