Having worked in a predominantly male environment for many years, it's become clear that the male species will never grip the importance and the NEED for multiple pairs of shoes. Thank goodness the HR Director (Moi) is female and can relate and intervene to stop this (legal) discrimination against females. I notice RAD has many shoes. Help me out here. I need the printer friendly version of this thread to conduct sensitivity training.
Cheryl C.
Don is almost right. It does help to have more than one pair of sneakers. In fact, they can be centerpiece of our footwear collection, small as it may be.
I can't even tell the difference between some of his shoes....but it matters a great deal that he has this choice in the morning...maybe that's why we're always late????
Don, our wives must be related as I too have the smaller closet, in a seperate room, and hers has a lot of shoes in it.
. . . I've started buying a new pair of shoes for ever outfit. I now even have TWO pair of tennis shoes.
Last week I had ten minutes before an appointment and I didn't think my shoes went well enough with my outfit, I stopped at the shoe store, spent five minutes trying on shoes and bought a pair, and I walked out wearing them. What a dork.
They are very spiky heals, very pointy toe, they hurt like hell but they look good. I love them! I've had so many compliments on them. Best shopping trip I've ever made.
I think I've increased from 4 pair to 14 pair in the last few months. Is there any hope for me?
Don't even get me started on my PURSES !!
>hurt like hell but they look good. I love them!
The prosecution rests, Your Honor. Women with more than 5 pairs of shoes (arbitrary figure) have too much time on their hands, too much money in their purses, a rather perplexing sense of style over function, and in most states would probably qualify for involuntary commitment. x;-)