Superbowl Half-time show

Somebody has to bring it up!
Did anybody else sit through the entire half-time show? I moved closer to the tv with my daughters, because they love to watch Janet Jackson dance, they love Justin Timberlake, and I love Kid Rock. But . . .
. . . when Janet Jackson's top got "ripped" and she exposed herself to the world, we were all a little shocked.
That will be the most memorable half-time show for our family!
Did anybody else sit through the entire half-time show? I moved closer to the tv with my daughters, because they love to watch Janet Jackson dance, they love Justin Timberlake, and I love Kid Rock. But . . .
. . . when Janet Jackson's top got "ripped" and she exposed herself to the world, we were all a little shocked.
That will be the most memorable half-time show for our family!
I am embarassed to say that I have no excuse for watching the whole half time show other than being firmly ensconsed on the couch and the remote not under my control.
Anyway, I am a big Pats fan and I am SOOOO happy today!!!! x:D
Why Janet Jackson in the first place? She hasn't had a big hit for several years. Plus, she is obviously connected with Michael Jackson who is currently embroiled in a high profile child molestation case.
The choice seems odd. The results speak for themselves.
Aerosmith and Janet Jackson? Is this 1992?
The two of them got just what they wanted! Think of the thousands of people who today are searching the internet for the pic and are downloading their music and buying their CDs. But, I thought the farting horse was much more interesting.
Nothing like being prepared for a surprise.
I was watching something on TV this morning (yes, I took Superbowl Monday off from work) and the TV guy said that she hasn't had a hit in so long and surprise, surprise, the first single from her new album was released today.
The whole thing was terrible because of the arena she chose; if it was ten o'clock and on MTV, well, that is clearly not TV meant for children. But the Superbowl is a family event. Heck, in Boston it was a holiday!
>(yes, I took Superbowl Monday off from work)
So you joined the six percent of the US work force and called in today, huh, rad? I always thought you were made of sterner stuff. x;-)
(Edit P.S.) There's one boob we are all leaving out of the equation, and that's Paul Tagliaboob, NFL commissioner. He should be personally fined. He had an approving role in giving halftime to MTV, had a role in approval of the tooting horse, and had initially approved the halftime lingerie show. I suppose if Larry Flynt had outbid MTV, it would have even been cranked up another notch. People have to be impacted where it matters, the pocketbook. And it needs to start at the top.
As has been stated on numerous shows, this is the first and last time MTV gets to produce a half0time show. The idiots in the NFL who signed that contract should have known better and should be kicked thru the goal post of life!
I do have to agree with Rush on another point, during regular season play half-time is only 15 minutes long. During the Super Bowl it's 30 minutes and the players loose their rythm. I say keep half-time to 15 minutes and get on with what matters....THE GAME. Wacko Jacko's sister & whomever else they have at half-time is as much a waste as the cheerleaders!!
In regards to the half-time show, I'm more dissapointed in the behavior that Justin Timberlake is promoting. Are the children that saw that going to think it is OK to rip a girl's shirt off? I'm with Don, fine the hell out of everyone!
If this act was staged, then I am highly disappointed in all involved. It was a cheap thing to do. If this act was not staged and it truly was a costume malfunction, then shame on Justin (for deliberately going for that area, why else would he have gone RIGHT THERE?). I must tell you, I am not impressed with Mr. Timberlake. In addition to this occasion, I have seen him place his hand on the buttocks of another female he was performing with and from what the female said, this was not part of their act. I do not think he respects women, their personal space or their bodies.
I have seen the clips from the half time show and to tell you the truth, I am not shocked or disgusted with Janet’s breast. Was it appropriate for that time slot? Of course not but the fact of the matter is that the sight of a naked female breast was not the disgusting. It was the behavior of the male, Justin. In a very deliberate act, he tore the clothing off a female. Does no one else see this as violent and threatening behavior? He totally and completely disrespected Janet. Why is his behavior not being discussed on every TV station, every radio, around every water cooler in this country?
[|"I'm in the weeds!" E-mail me if you are in the restaurant industry too!]
I don't think anyone has taken exception with the breast itself, but maybe some have and that's their perogative. Not everyone is comfortable with seeing another woman's body. Seeing a breast does not bother me if it is in the appropriate arena - a movie, even MTV. But it downright shocks me when I'm watching a football game with a 6 year old.
edit: It is my understanding that MTV announced that something shocking would happen. Guess we should have paid more attention - they were warning us.
As for Janet being disrespected, I can't buy it. C'mon, she had a tear away top on for goodness sake, and for her to be in that place at that time just as he sings, "I'm going to have your clothes off before the end of this song," or some such nonsense is more than a coincidence. I really don't know what all the fuss is about - they were grinding each other all over that stage - be offending by that! I turned away long before the song was over and went to the next party we were expected to, thereby missing the drama.
The NFL is shocked?!?!? PUHLEASE! This is the league with half naked cheerleaders which started out the season with Britney Spears in a nude colored outfit grinding it out with four or five male dancers. The only reason that can get away with the outrage is because half the world was watching this broadcast, and not the first one.
Oh boy
Beagle's idea works for me, too.