Superbowl Half-time show



  • So Don, I'm confused (my knickers must be too tight). Do you support Kid Rock's sartorial statement or not? On post 49 above, you opined that the performer was disrespectful, but you seem to criticize the rest of us for stating opinion. I do have a hard time believing he wore the flag innocently not realizing it would/could create antagonism. First of all there's been no substantiation he wore an actual flag, so the entire conversation is based on speculation. Yep, he has the right to be distasteful and by extention then so do Janet/Justin. Libertarians arise.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-05-04 AT 10:18AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Of course I do not support his sartorial statement! How could I leave you in doubt about that? I think I was one of the first to point that out. I found it objectionable and offensive to anyone who values the flag and what it symbolizes. That's my opinion and my right to hold it. It has nothing to do with political persuasion or geographic location. I am offended by anyone who would slice a hole in what I perceive to be an American flag and dance about with it around his neck like a dissident on the streets of Iraq. I am sure some would have raised a thumb in salute had he set fire to it as well. His behavior was called to his attention at rehearsal and he did what he did. It's his right. No denying that. Perhaps he will enjoy the fallout, if any. I don't buy his crap one way or the other. x:-) Loosen those knickers Ray. The blood is rushing to your head.

    (edit) It's been brought to my attention that I used an offensive term. I have changed it to dissident.

  • Don, you paint such wonderful canvasas using words as your colors of the spectrum and your tongue as the paintbrush... too bad I'm colorblind. x;-)

    I merely stated an opinion that appeared to be in opposition to others. I didn't denigrate anyone else's opinion or anything of that nature.

    Incidentally, Voltaire is not Shakespeare. x;-)

  • >Don, you paint such wonderful canvasas using
    >words as your colors of the spectrum and your
    >tongue as the paintbrush... too bad I'm
    >colorblind. x;-)

    >Again, Ray - You summed it up in a nutshell. We >live in a free country, warts and all. (Parabeagle)

    Now there's a colorful statement, slung upon the Forum wall in a moment of glory.

  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-04-04 AT 04:22PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Sorry. Double post.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-04-04 AT 05:32PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Because of the Superbowl fiasco, CBS has added a five second delay to their live broadcast of the Grammy Awards since Justin Timberlake is performing and is also nominated. Also, Janet Jackson will be presenting an award. I assume she will be wearing something Amish.


    And if you need further evidence that Hollywood doesn't get it, today it was announced that PARIS HILTON is being considered as host for the Miss USA pageant.
  • She's on TV tonite. Stoned or medicated to the point of being expressionless and almost immobile. Maybe it's 'Jesus Juice'. She swears it was her spontaeneous decision and nobody else was involved. Then they break away to a slow motion shot of him doing his hunch thing and crawling toward her and purposefully grabbing and ripping it down. Her reaction is totally staged and she makes no move to conceal herself for some 6 seconds. Sodom & Gamorrah is here in the form of MTV and has been for years. My wife recalled last night that we had the cable company black out MTV for the first 20 years of our children's lives.

    The half-time show was very appropriate for 22-38 year old men. But not for all the children. So tomorrow's question from the 10 year old daughter shifts from Janet Jackson to, 'Mommy, what's a gay marriage in Massachusetts mean?" And the beat goes on.
  • 10 year old girls won't have to ask that question in Ohio since they have passed a law against gay marriage.
  • NBC political pundits this morning said gay marriagex:o will be the deciding factor in the election with libs for and conserves against. Just what has this country come to when this is the platform candidates are running on? x:'( What about the economy, FLSA reform, the deficit, etc.? Beam me up Scotty; there are no intelligent life forms down here!
  • Of course there is intelligence down here. Just not with the political pundits and pollsters.
  • This has been a great thread. Seems every side has been covered, so don't feel there is much I can add, but will anyway.
    I didn't like the half time show, but my original reaction was Gee, I must really be getting old...I can not relate to this at all.

    Like Smace, I chose to get another beer and fold some laundry so missed parts.

    Like some others, I am appreciative daily that I live in a country that allows freedom of expression, nonetheless I was saddened and disappointed in the flag "shirt" and felt it was extrememly disrepectful.

    I think it says something that the pregame show, including, IMHO, a beautifully done rendition of the National Athemn has gotten no press that I have heard. Gee, talent, entertainment, good taste, once again takes a back seat to the hoopla.

    Finally, the good news, I did hear on the radio this a.m. that they have axed Janet from the grammys. x:D
  • I did not watch the half-time show. The announced performers were of no interest to me so as a liberal I practiced my right to turn off the TV. As to the Grammy's--I will again practice my right not to watch. I didn't watch the Michael Jackson special or the interview. There are many times I will not watch a tv show because I believe it will offend my beliefs. That is my right.
  • >There are many times I will not watch a tv show
    >because I believe it will offend my beliefs.
    >That is my right.

    No, no, no! You've got it all wrong! The network executives don't want to hear you say stuff like that! If you're not careful, they'll pry open your eyes with toothpicks, take away your remote and force you to watch! x;-)

    kinda reminiscent of "A Clockwork Orange."

  • You can't scare me. These are the same *****(I want to say idiots, but I'm not too sure it's allowed)who don't seem to know why viewership on network tv is down. So instead of putting on shows that appeal me, they put on shows that are guaranteed to turn me off (or me turn them off). Maybe it's about time they realized that there are a lot of people (not between the ages of 18-49)who are not interested in Madonna, Rap etc. but who still spend money. Good Grief, I'm so serious. That scares me.
  • Actually, Whatever, I think network executives consider the term "idiot" as a compliment... maybe brain-dead boneheads will work better. x;-)
  • Whatever, you are starting to scare me. Your liberal opinions are beginning to sound an awful lot like my conservative opinions. Guess you aren't so bad afterall. x;-)
  • Well, think about it for a minute, Ray. If you were far Right and Whatever was far Left, you guys would be closer to being the same than if you were both moderates, like some enlightened souls we know. x;-)
  • I can't stand Kid Rock. He needs a bath and deserves a beating for what he did to the flag. Janet and Justin only surprised me with their timing, not their behavior. Anyone who wears a nipple clamp, yes, a NIPPLE CLAMP, is bound to be a head case. Justin is reeling from his breakup with WhatsHerFace and not getting to ride in the space shuttle, so he's a bit unstable anyway. It just makes me mad that my son saw it. We supervise what he watches, but who'd think the Super Bowl would be risky? Here's what I wonder: why is it that something this stupid and totally lacking in taste would increase their album sales? "They" say any publicity is good publicity, but I'm glad so many of you are peeved about this - this kind of thing would make me want to spend my money on something else. Go, Panthers!!! ;)
  • >Anyone who wears a nipple clamp, yes, a NIPPLE >CLAMP, is bound to be a head case.

    I went into great detail describing this little trinket of body armour, and there ain't no clamp involved. A clamp would probably hurt much less!
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