Are We Too Busy?

It seems to be slow on the forum today. Must be we wore ourselves out yesterday and are either recovering or catching up with our work.

I'm re-reading resumes looking for qualified candidates for a director position. Not most funnest part of my job.


  • 12 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I have an opening for a machine tech. No big deal, 3 yrs experience, able to read blue prints and use measuring instruments. I stopped counting at 169 resumes. I can only go through them for about an hour or so because I get so depressed to see so many people unemployed and willing to take any job just to be working. Some of the cover letters are real tear jerkers. Then the telephone calls that follow the resumes are worse.

    These people have worked 10,15 years at such companies as Intel, Honeywell, Motorola and got RIF-ed. Some out of work over a year.

    And some idiot named rubadubadub or something like that wants to know how come we partake in such silliness.

    Ok Ray, you asked.
  • Feel better now, Rita?

    I have only 65 resumes to read. So, I feel better after hearing your story.
  • Today must be resume day. I'm reviewing paper as well, looking for a general manager for one of our hotels, but I'm lucky. I've only received 47 resumes so far. However, I stop by the forum everytime my eyes begin to cross from fatigue (or boredom, one or the other). x;-)
  • No resumes for me, no positions opening, actually looking at more slow downs. But regardless, I still fell behind yesterday, melted my brain, laughed a lot, and today I'm trying to make up for it. I noticed too that the forum was VERY quiet and I accomplished a lot. Enough of that silly work stuff. Besides, I'm on vacation for the REST OF THE WEEK! Hopefully everybody will have filled up my inbox for Monday morning when I return, because Lord knows I won't be in the mood to work hard again.
  • Melissa, I'm glad to see you aren't avoiding my posts. Or maybe you thought you'd catch me again with foot in mouth?

    I hope you don't meet up with the Personnel Specialist working for me - her name is also Melissa and I could be in big trouble if you ganged up on me.

  • Maybe she IS the personnel specialist working for your, Ray... ever think about that? BuwahahahaHAHAHAHAH!!!
  • Be afraid, be very afraid.

    And why would I avoid you, ray, buddy ole pal? I know you're not really as rotten as you portrayed yourself yesterday. Otherwise, why would ritaanz stick up for you SOOOO MUCH!
  • The Melissa working for me would never make up a name like New Holstein, WI. And she goes by the name "Missy", which I never use.
  • Our senior HR specialist is on vacation from last Wednesday to next Monday. She does unemployment, work comp, pension loans, and more. She's also seen as the director's assistant.

    Guess who's picking up the slack and who's office is closest to her area?

    It's been a long five days, with three more yet to go.

  • I had put off completing a Salary and Benefits Survey Questionnaire for a Bankers Association as long as I could and have spent all day working on this "thing" and am still not complete. Just had to take a few minutes away from this task to see what is happeniong in the forum.
    Hope you have a great day,
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 07-29-03 AT 03:47PM (CST)[/font][p]I am doing my duty today, updating internal HR policies. Always a blast! They get done once a year and this happens to be the week their getting done. We just had a job fair last week so I also have stacks of unqualified resumes to weed through.
  • I am installing a new nametag system which is not cooperating, I need to reconcile insurance invoices which are a week behind, and I have a 6" stack in my inbox that keeps snickering every time I look at it. I'm afraid to find out what's in there.

    fortunately, I spent two hours catching up on the Forum yesterday since I hadn't visited in four days.
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