Are We Too Busy?

It seems to be slow on the forum today. Must be we wore ourselves out yesterday and are either recovering or catching up with our work.
I'm re-reading resumes looking for qualified candidates for a director position. Not most funnest part of my job.
I'm re-reading resumes looking for qualified candidates for a director position. Not most funnest part of my job.
These people have worked 10,15 years at such companies as Intel, Honeywell, Motorola and got RIF-ed. Some out of work over a year.
And some idiot named rubadubadub or something like that wants to know how come we partake in such silliness.
Ok Ray, you asked.
I have only 65 resumes to read. So, I feel better after hearing your story.
I hope you don't meet up with the Personnel Specialist working for me - her name is also Melissa and I could be in big trouble if you ganged up on me.
And why would I avoid you, ray, buddy ole pal? I know you're not really as rotten as you portrayed yourself yesterday. Otherwise, why would ritaanz stick up for you SOOOO MUCH!
Guess who's picking up the slack and who's office is closest to her area?
It's been a long five days, with three more yet to go.
Hope you have a great day,
fortunately, I spent two hours catching up on the Forum yesterday since I hadn't visited in four days.