I finally got my t-shirt and managed a photo. The $5000 Margaret sent was instrumental. I hesitate to post this since only two have been posted, I think, and both of them (Paul and Christy) have disappeared. Anyway, here's my first bottle tree, the bike and the infamous T-Shirt. The Carona is under the helmet. For those of you who want a dart-board, I don't know how to blow it up.
So, where is the black leather jacket?
>should enlarge it a bit to prove that. When a man turns 50, he has to
>do a couple of really stupid things. In my case it was a bike and a
OK Don, 'fess up -
Ifn's it wuz really you in that Memoir in usadeepsouth, you turned 50 'bout 7 yars ago.
I have yet to see a rebuttal that the guy in the pic is really you and not some younger version of yerself/kin.
But, if it is, and I'm willing to give you a reasonable doubt, I'd like to drink what you're drinking - and it must be something other than the Corona under the helmet!
(is that goatee/vandyke's color au natural? HR must not have been that stressful for you!!!)
Never seen (or heard) of a "bottle tree" before. Is this something unique to you Don or is it a Southern culture thing?????
Perfect. And of course you're not bald. Just thinning on top. x;-)
James Sokolowski
Now that you've seen the picture. Does Don D look like what you've pictured? If not, what did you think he looked like?
He looks nothing like Andy Rooney, (the Grand Daddy of all curmudgeons) which is what I pictured!
Margaret Morford
You look MUCH younger than your wisdom and experience would suggest.
(dealing with insurance and just had to get away for a sec)
I agree that Don looks wrong. (Sorry, Don.) His appearance is way too kindly and normal to suit either his writing style or its content. I pictured him older (sorry, again), slightly overweight and graying. I also pictured him in a three piece suit, with a watch chain. My sartorial expectations were probably colored by the way the managers dressed when I worked for the government lo these many years ago, as for the rest, he just doesn't look like a curmudgeon.