Who's Calling Please?

Hillary calls Bill, rather irate, shouting, ranting and raving, out of control. "How could you do this? Can you believe I'm pregnant?!! You have actually gotten me pregnant. How in the world could you let this happen?? You told me for the last ten years that you had everything 'under control' and there was no reason to worry! Can you imagine what this will do to MY career plans, to MY future, to the future of our OTHER child, not to mention THIS child?! How COULD YOU??"
Bill waits for her to pause, scratches his bulbous nose and responds, "Ahh, who is this?"
Bill waits for her to pause, scratches his bulbous nose and responds, "Ahh, who is this?"
Anybody from Arkansas want her back?
Hope everyone has a great weekend,
It's not far enough away, how about Cuba, North Korea, France, OK, I'll stop there.
Ritaanz, are you suggesting the majority of NY'ers are idiots since we elected her to the senate? x;-) I believe polls have shown that if she ran for reelection today she would lose in upstate NY... not sure about those liberal downstater's (go ahead and flame me, Whatever). x:D
I like the idea of the moon or Mars or even France. The French should love her. If she loses she can stay in NY as long as she wants as long as she pays all the state taxes on those millions she will earn from her book.
Hey, I have another idea...the company I work for manufactures electronic voting machines. Maybe they could be programmed to vote for anyone but Hillary.
You're surprised that we elected Bob Holden??? We are residents of the same state that elected a DEAD MAN as senator! #-o
For the record, please note that the current mayor and the previous mayor are republicans. Please note, that New Yorkers (from the city) contribute more tax money and get back less per individual (especially for education) than you other New Yorkers. I believe they only area where we get more money is for security.
Please note, at no time have I raised the issue of the problems with the voting machines (which no matter how problematic they are, are superior to Floridas).
Actually, go ahead and complain about the machines. If you use the old mechanical machines like we do up here, they stopped building those in 1966. Most of ours date from the 1940's and 50's. NY is in the process of selecting a supplier for new electronic machines to use in the next presidential election. The chosen contractor will supply the same machines throughout the entire state. We are hoping our customer is the chosen contractor - we are the contract manufacturer that assembles the machines.
I have been trying to figure out what part of the world to move to should the unthinkable happen and the Clintons ever regain the White House through Hilary. I'm pretty sure the damage to us as a country cannot even be estimated.
I so enjoy reading everyone's thoughts.