I hate cel phones

I just had an interview with someone whose cel phone went off twice and both times she answered to say she was busy. I decided I would tell her the company policy on cel phones (basically they have to be off during working hours). She ended the interview saying the company was behind the times. Last night, at restaurant, we learned about the love life of some stranger who was at the next table and talking on the phone, not to her companion.
It seems I can't go anywhere without hearing someone on the phone or hear the phone ringing---the theater, the concert, the bus, the restaurant, any store ever created etc. I just don't understand it. I seem to be the only one in the world whose phone is off most of the time. My idea of a concert is not
Bizet's Carmen played by a phone.
Sorry, just had to vent or maybe I want to know I am not alone.
It seems I can't go anywhere without hearing someone on the phone or hear the phone ringing---the theater, the concert, the bus, the restaurant, any store ever created etc. I just don't understand it. I seem to be the only one in the world whose phone is off most of the time. My idea of a concert is not
Bizet's Carmen played by a phone.
Sorry, just had to vent or maybe I want to know I am not alone.
As far as phone etiquette there is none according to the people using them in interviews, movies, resturants it's all about me. I say leave them at home or shut the darn thing off. It drives me nuts sometimes.
Here's what I hate about cell phones:
Those annoying walkie talkies! Hearing one side of a conversation is one thing but both? AAAAAAAAAHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Bloop... "Hi, Janie!", Bloop "Hey! Hows your Dad?"...Bloop "Not doing well" Bloop... MAKE IT STOP!!
I TOTALLY AGREE about the cell phones. Yesterday evening I was at the Y using a treadmill and keeping one eye on the news on the small TV in front of our treadmills. A young woman hopped on the treadmill beside me, pulled out her phone and enthusiastically called every other 20-something person in our four state area to arrange getting together later last night. I understand that exercise places are not typically quiet places, but I don't want to listen to other people's conversations. The groaning and panting of out-of-shape people is good enough for me.
I used to leave my cell phone on all the time until I had friends who would call me during work hours and/or expected me to chat while grocery shopping. (Which might would have made that experience better - see other thread) I recently decided the phone was for MY convenience - not theirs and now leave my phone off, unless I am expecting a call, or have reason to believe a family member might need me and I'm out of the office.
1. I have been driving for, well, let's just say a long time. I had never been in an accident. I was taking my son to school, and he was late. So, of course, I had to call the school to tell them we were on our way so I wouldn't have to get out of the car at the office, thus making me late for work (two lates don't make an early, or something like that)! Anyhow I was glancing down at my cell phone to search for the high school's number when I hear my son yell, "Brake!" I instinctively did, but it was too late to come to a stop from 45 mph - like the little Toyota truck in front of me had. So now it's three years later, the accident has finally fallen off my insurance, and I have learned at least one thing - you can talk on the cell phone in the car, but with eyes straight ahead. I think hands free should be a law.
2. My significant other is the patriotic sort - not that there's anything wrong with that, except that he has his cell phone ring set to the Star Spangled Banner. And his phone is not one that beeps - it's one where you can program in a full orchestrated version. But he's in construction - a concrete contractor. And this morning, when his finish crew was late on a job site, he gets a phone call. It was 4 a.m. What a challenge it was to be snatched from the arms of Morpheus only to feel as if you should be standing at attention. I am going to swipe his phone and change that ring if it's the last thing I do.
I carry a beeper and a phone, both are on vibrate when I am in a public place. If I am in a restaurant, I excuse myself to go to the lobby or stand outside the front door to carry on my conversation. I am sure if I don't give a darn about someone's love life sitting at the next table, they sure as heck don't care about what's going on back at my office.
You can just about bet if you get behind someone driving erratically in rush hour traffic and you pass them, they are on their cell phone.
Whew! That felt almost as good as the grocery store vent!
I have a coworker who leaves her cell-phone on vibrate, but she leaves it on her desk- So when she walks away, which is quite frequently, it vibrates all over the desk! I tell you it's getting old and I am tempted to bring in a cushion for her phone x:).
Have a good weekend everyone!
I personally love the convenience of the cel phone. My family can reach me in a crisis or leave a message if I'm not answering. The key is to have common sense enough to know when to leave it off.
Oh, well. When I started this post there was a point to the story but I'll be darned if I can remember what it was. x;-)
No I am not Amish. I am partly "anti-cell phone" but I do understand their convenience and they are awfully handy in emergencies.
My 7 year old daughter will have one when she is old enough to drive but only for emergencies. And the latest sale at the Gap is not an emergency.
I think we desperately need cell phone etiquette. The problem is that etiquette on a whole is totally out of fashion these days.
The other day during church, right when the pastor was asking the congregation to consider their immortal souls and make the decision to be right with their Maker, a cell phone went off. To me this is proof enough cell phones originated from hell.
p.s. Most of the above is to be taken tongue in cheek.
That said, my 20 year old daughter commutes to college 50 miles away. She does have a cell phone in her car, to be used in emergencies only. It's one of those old bag types, the reception is great, but she sure can't carry it to class!! If she has trouble she calls AAA, or 911, or Mom. She has never had to use it.
If someone chooses to share their personal life within my hearing range,
which isn't half of what it used to be, I generously offer verbal
solutions, suggestions, improvements, answers, etc. I honestly don't
care what that person thinks, feels, etc. because they started the
conversation. Anyway, I am polite if there is no alternative (small
business jet etc.on business activity) but social arrangements, general
whining about self-created problems, well... they're open game!!!
James Sokolowski
I LUV your sense of humor.................
Ah! I feel better.