What do you hate the most about the grocery store?

I couldn't stand to not see any activity in this area. So...I got to thinking about my trip to the grocery store yesterday evening and decided to see if it was universal - Everybody Hates The Grocery Store.
I hate it because the store I go to boasts that they are "full service" and will offer to take your sacks to the car AND they have pick up for when it is raining.
You actually get a surly teenager who bags your stuff in wimpy plastic sacks without asking, and when you do ask for paper sacks, he gets even by balancing a dozen eggs on top of the bread, and masterminds it in such a way that the sack topples over in the back of the car. Result: broken eggs, smashed bread, and an unwillingness to ever ask for a paper sack again.
Your thoughts on hating grocery stores?
PS My apologies if any of you are grocery store HR directors. I'm sure this isn't your store.
I hate it because the store I go to boasts that they are "full service" and will offer to take your sacks to the car AND they have pick up for when it is raining.
You actually get a surly teenager who bags your stuff in wimpy plastic sacks without asking, and when you do ask for paper sacks, he gets even by balancing a dozen eggs on top of the bread, and masterminds it in such a way that the sack topples over in the back of the car. Result: broken eggs, smashed bread, and an unwillingness to ever ask for a paper sack again.
Your thoughts on hating grocery stores?
PS My apologies if any of you are grocery store HR directors. I'm sure this isn't your store.
Last Thursday around 8 p.m. walked in and the shelves were empty - especially of the pounds of butter on sale. So I figured I'd get 'em, and went in at 10 a.m. Saturday - to the same empty butter shelves. Arrgh. xx(
I hate the various "crap" they have piled up to the rafters in the aisles and then having to contend with the people who don't observe the "rules of the aisle" - that is parking the damn cart in the middle of the aisle and then walking halfway down the aisle in search of whatever. Or when you have two people who know each other and block the entire aisle carrying on a conversation and then have the nerve to look offended when you say "excuse me", trying to get by.
Another thing is these little baby carts and carts that parents have with their kids hanging off all sides. Whoever invented these things needs to be shot. Not only do you have to contend with the parents, but then you have to avoid their offspring lying in the aisles, crash landing into your legs with their baby carts or grabbing at stuff on the shelves, spilling it into the aisles while hanging off the carts.
Lemme see what else...Oh yeah, when you get to the checkout counter and this person in front of you has been perusing all the scandle sheets and the magazines they are too cheap to buy while waiting for the total. They then proceed to pull out a bottomless purse and dig around for the ole checkbook, don't have a pen and then proceed to write out a check. They could have done this in the half hour they were waiting in line.
That's just my impression of Wal-Mart Hell. I usually try to go to other grocery stores where it's easier to buy "just groceries" and get in and out in a reasonable amount of time with a little sanity left over.
I always say there could be a nuclear holacaust and people would still be going to Wal-Mart for their "recreational mindless shopping" excursion.
Now..aren't you sorry you asked?
I hate going to the grocery store or even a warehouse store and dealing with people who don't have shopping cart etiquette. You know, the people who just leave their carts anywhere causing traffic jams. Or they go so slow that they are practically walking backwards and you can't get around them. Or what about when they have the free samples at the end of the aisles and people crowd around like they haven't eaten for days. Whew! That felt good, thanks.
Hence, I have my groceries delivered now. Much less aggravation and it's worth the $7.95 charge.
Second is Kroger. They had this PMS woman with a bad hair day who exclaimed to me "Don't you see the 12 items sign right there above the register?" A line full of people glared at me. I told her to call a manager and she did. I counted the items and they came to 12. I told him he should fire her and also that he could restock all 12 of my items. He apologized as I walked past him. Then he headed for her....probably for a counseling session.
We haven't been back since. I wonder if there's a picture of my husband on every cash register? x:o
On the other hand.....it would be my luck to get the refrozen ones that I am sure they put back in the freezer case.
First of all, I have a passionate hatred of Winn-Dixie. They recently instituted one of those discount card programs which was just an excuse to raise the prices on everything in the store then make you use your card to get the stuff at the original price and brag about how much they saved you. After having my blood pressure go up dangerously high after talking to the manager of the store and telling him what I thought, I just quit shopping there.
Then there are the folks who (unlike Don D.) line up at the 12-items-or-less counter with an entire cart-full - and the clerks who allow them to do it.
Of course, I'm a transplanted yankee and when I first moved south I went nuts waiting on the grocery store line while the clerks chatted and showed pictures of their grandchildren. I've mellowed, a little, but waiting on line still infuriates me.
And then - I'd better stop - I really hate the grocery store.
Aside from the standard gripes: bad cart etiquette, screaming kids, squeeky carts and items that are either out of stock or ring up incorrectly, my worst peeve is getting to the checkout, finally, and then being totally ignored as the 17 year old check out girl carries on life's most important conversation with the bagger (bread on bottom, please) boy all about "this guy... and then this party... and then this test... and what a drag!" Argh! And what is even worse than not even getting a 'hello' is when they don't even give you the total... but just stand there slack-jawed waiting for you to magically know how much you are to pay.
Deep breath...!
Katrina Hutchins
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible..." ~ Walt Disney
When I'm waiting in line I file my nails or balance my checkbook. If the person in front of me in the express lane has 15 items instead of 10, I don't care. It's just not worth getting worked up over.
The one thing that DOES annoy me is going to buy some specific item which is on sale and highly advertised to find out that the sale started Monday morning and they were out of that item in 2 hours. Grrr, because I know the premise is to get you into the store and have you spend more money, which I probably will, but they should at least let me buy the original sale item too.
I usually go early on a Saturday morning within the first hour they are open, so I have the day ahead of me to do whatever I want or to get my youngest son to a baseball game. I admit I'd rather sleep a little later, but getting up at 6 is sleeping in from my weekday schedule of getting up at 4:30.
I've shopped the same store for years, and have gotten to know the people who usually work Saturday mornings. The same young man has bagged my groceries for over a year, so I don't have to tell him what goes in plastic and what goes in paper. And even when he isn't at the check-out and I have to tell the bagger, that person happily does what I ask.
By going early, the aisles are fairly empty of other shoppers.
There have been a few times when the meat case hasn't been as fully stocked as it is later in the day, but there are still plenty of choices.
Hmmmm. Maybe that grocery chain would pay me to do a commercial for them?!?!
I was always offended when customers would tell me not to squish their bread! I took pride in my "bagging" and was darn good at it if I do say so myself. It was one of the funnest jobs I ever had! But now that I am on the other end of the conveyor belt, I have a whole new understanding for why customers were as uptight as they were! When I shop I try to get in a stress free zone where I just focus on my list and all the wonderful food to choose from, grocery shopping can be a good experience, I promise!x:D
I will say one thing though I would much rather spend a couple hours in the grocery store than one minute in a MALL on the weekend!!!! xx(
On the flip side, I am apalled at bad customer service. For instance, if I see a Gocery clerk being asked where something is and vaguely pointing a finger in the general direction of the product, they receive a lecture from me pronto.
I am with all of you who hate Wal-Mart. We have one a block away from our house and due to convenience sake we go there alot. I have so consistently received terrible service there that I am now the hostile customer.
You know those ads for Wal-Mart where all the employees are smiling and happy and quick to help? Maybe we can get Wal-Mart for false advertising?
Seriously, I buy certain items in Bulk at our local BJ's, order takeout quite frequently and go to the grocery store rarely. Hard when you live so far away from work that you just don't have the time to really "cook" anything. It's good that it's just me and my husband.
I prefer the super Target for service, but Wal-mart has a cheaper and bigger variety of the things I need, so I guess I am stuck with them..which is probably the same story for others as well.
Sorry to be different from everyone, but I actually like to grocery shop. I like to look at all the different meals you can make. (Although, I am not a really good cook-I guess it is daydreaming for me!)
> We have one a block away from our house and due to convenience sake we go there alot.
Is there anyone who doesn't have at least one a block away from their house?:)
>to shop--and that is the operative phrase. I no longer shop there for
>many of the same complaints already listed in this posting. Plus I
>would frequently find perishables still on the shelf after their
>expiration date. My husband still stops in there to pick up
>ocassional items because it is just a couple of blocks from our house.
> A coule of years ago he ran in one morning to pick up a package of
>lunchmeat. When he got it home I saw it was three weeks past the sell
>by date. I immediately took it back to the store and was told I'd
>have to come back an hour later to talk with the manager about it if I
>wanted my money back. They offered me a replacement--which I
>declined. I tossed the package on the counter and informed the
>cashier I didn't want the money that badly, and their old food and
>poor customer service is the very reason why I stopped shopping there!
Hey Sally!
You should have turned them in to the local DHEC. I am sure they would have probably been closed down for these type of violations. YUK!!!