Leonid's Shower

O.K. I'll be the first to step up and admit it. At 3:40 this morning I was standing in the middle of a large back yard, slam up against my bottle tree (just in case spaceships were filming). I heard the newscast last night chirping that not for another 100 years would we have a meteor shower like this one. Me, I'm not waiting another 100 years for something I can have now! It was a bit overcast, which somewhat diminished the spectacle; but a beautiful full moon and about 4:24 CDT, after all my doubts, they started shootin' across the sky at all angles, maybe separated by 3 or 4 minutes but sometimes in groups of four. What was really amazing was how the 'trail' seemed to just hang there in the sky after the meteor had shot across the darkness. I made some notes so I can compare the shower in 3002 with last nite's. I suppose the rest of you were doing other things.......like sleeping. xclap On life's 'importance continuum' I wonder how the meteor shower compares to living in a little box a million miles below it?
My honey and I bundled up in a sleeping bag and watched the show so you were not alone. It was fun and romantic. Of course, now I have a crick in my neck, but it was well worth it. I understand there will be a partial moon eclipse tonight about 7:30 (Kansas time). Will you watch it too?
I do have fond memories of watching a beautiful meteor shower snuggled in bed with my wife and daughter. I was struck by the quietness of the meteor shower.
By popular demand, the Employers Forum will create a meteor shower that's conveniently held on a weekend. :~~ (Yes, Christy can do ANYTHING!) We'll call it the Geminid meteor shower, and Christy will cause peak activity at 4 a.m. EST on Saturday, Dec. 14. You can read about it at Space.com:
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers
Yeah Christy! Will we get to see this on the east coast too?
I get up every morning at 5:00 to go for my walk to get my heart started, so got to observe the 'shower' from WI. We had clear skies and it was quite remarkable, including the trails of 'sparkles' left by some of them. I seriously doubt I'll make the next one, so had to enjoy this! I don't have a bottle tree, only an English Springer named Hunter to enjoy it with, and I don't think he likes sleeping bags.