Evaluation Forms

We are in the process of yearly evaluations for our staff. The same form is used for division heads all the way to the receptionist. I would like to see what other people use. Ours is very simple in that the front side has 9 categories and can be rated anywhere from unsatisfactory to far exceeds. The back side leaves room for comments from the evaluator and /or employee.


  • 44 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Ours are very similar and generally not worth the paper they're printed on. We do have one department that has a new system though. The manager in that dept. has taken the job descriptions for his different positions and translated those directly to the eval form. Example: Job description lists setting scales as a requirement of the position, so on the eval, the employee is rated on their knowledge of the scales. There are also sections for the intangibles; attitude, cooperation, etc. This system works very well for task oriented production positions.
  • I have one that I have used with my clients and they really like it. It uses five rating categories, but overlays a numerical scale from 1 to 25. This means that those that are "meeting requirements" can be rated 11 to 15. This gives the manager the ability to show improvement by raising the rating from 12 to 13, but not the overall performance rating. Each category is weighted according to the core company values and the specific departmental values. For example, a computer programer would be weighted more heavily on "Job Knowledge" that an accounts payable clerk. Thus, you have everyone using the same basic rating system, but able to adapt it to specifc job categories. I'll fax you a sample if you will send me your fax number. You will need to do some training of the managers before you roll it out, but you probably need to do that any way. Call or e-mail me with your fax number at 615-371-8200 [email]mmorford@mleesmith.com[/email] if you want to see the form.

    Margaret Morford
  • The manager referenced in Craig's response is doing what should be done - tying the evaluation into the job description. Most evaluations, the ones which measure traits, are not accepted as accurate by employees and create all sorts of morale and legal problems. The best evaluations evaluate performance by measuring performance in an objective way. This means that the form is not the centerpiece of the evaluation program, as a lot of us think. The best "forms" are just tools, reflecting criteria which matches the job. As a result, they are different for different job categories and created internally. Getting management buy-in is critical and this is more likely to happen is they are part of designing the program. An HR generated program is often viewed by management as just another HR program which takes up management time. Craigs manager is on the right track - that person views employee appraisal as a management responsibility.
  • We I used to work, we had evaluation forms for non-exempt employees and for exempt employees. Where I currently work now the same form is used for every employee. There are 20 categories that we use to evaluate our employees ranging from knowledge to customer interfact to planning. If you are looking to revise your form, you might want to do some research on the web and check some HR websites.
  • I use a company called "Knowledgepoint" and they have a great program. You can tailor your evaluations as to the level of the employee. There are about 45 different competencies that can be used to outline what the employee is being evaluated on and they can be further customized if needed.

    This is totally internet driven and each supervisor can pull up his or her employees when their review is due (a reminder is given to them via EMAIL). Goals, etc. can also be incorporated into the PE system. It also automatically calculates the review totals for you and you can tie this in with the percentage increase to the employee.

    We will be rolling out this program the first of the year and I am hoping this will alleviate a lot of issues and problem we have been having with our old system.
  • I have used Knowledgepoint also. My copy is not as current, but what I really like about it is -- For the lazy supervisor, it's very user friendly and the results is a fairly decent individualized review; -- For the more thoughtful, verbage can be edited.
  • I would like to have a copy. Send to:
    [email]lewis.keith@cmcsg.com[/email] or fax to: 361-575-7757.

  • Can you share the form with me. Anna Carter, Ethicon, J&J. Email [email]acarter@ethus.jnj.com[/email]
  • May I please have a copy as well?

    [email]johnette@deangelospizzeria.com[/email] or fax at 225-756-0094.

    Thank you!!!
  • I would truly appreciate if you could share the form with me as well. My e-mail is: [email]LSDoone@aol.com[/email]. Thanks!
  • This year I implemented a new bi-annual "review and development" form which replaced our old annual evaluation form. The main difference in this concept is:
    1) All employees are reviewed at the same time. This reduces the headache of tracking down evals at all times of the year. Also, it makes it easier to introduce departmental/organizational goals to employees during their evaluation.
    2) Its more interactive. Instead of the supervisor doing all the talking it encourages a dialogue to help supervisor and employee figure out ways to improve performance.
    3) It only focuses on 3-4 "problem areas". Instead of grocery list of performance areas, it focuses exclusively on the areas that would make the most impact if performance improved. I am a big believer in "keep it simple".
    4) It recognizes areas where the employee excells and it establishes training goals for areas where improvement is needed.

    I was very happy with our first round of evaluations (conducted in January) and I am looking forward to the second one in June.

  • Knowledgepoint is a computer software program that creates performance evaluations. $100-200 range to purchase. They also have job descriptions and policies software. You can access them through hrtools.com or knowledgepoint.com
  • The problem with evaluation forms is that they are subjective. We changed our format this past year. Instead of rating employees on how they perform the duties described in their job description, we decided to eliminate that section and replace it with their goals for the current year. We have a Company Business Plan and each department manager had to develop their own Department Business Plan - and had to develop goals for each member of their department, which in turn will help the company achieve their goals. Everyone had input into developing their goals. Since achieving the company goals is our number one priority, we weighted the goal section as 70% of the employees rating. Section 2 is Performance Factors and that is rated 30%.

    The job description really just lists the tasks required of each employee. There is the possibility they could handle their tasks but still not achieve their goals. The employees cannot say much if they receive a low rating because they didn't accomplish their goals since they helped set them. They were measurable and achievable. The only problem is each manager has their own way of rating and we had to look at each department average instead of a company-wide average. Also, we are contemplating changing the % to possibly 65/35.

    Each employee and manager completes their own evaluation and then meet to discuss their ratings. Everyone really likes this design much better than having to go through each part of the job description and being rated on it.
  • Margaret, I'd like to see this form as well. My name is Pam and my fax number is 816-363-1755. Thanks!

    >I have one that I have used with my clients and they really like it.
    >It uses five rating categories, but overlays a numerical scale from 1
    >to 25. This means that those that are "meeting requirements" can be
    >rated 11 to 15. This gives the manager the ability to show
    >improvement by raising the rating from 12 to 13, but not the overall
    >performance rating. Each category is weighted according to the core
    >company values and the specific departmental values. For example, a
    >computer programer would be weighted more heavily on "Job Knowledge"
    >that an accounts payable clerk. Thus, you have everyone using the
    >same basic rating system, but able to adapt it to specifc job
    >categories. I'll fax you a sample if you will send me your fax
    >number. You will need to do some training of the managers before you
    >roll it out, but you probably need to do that any way. Call or e-mail
    >me with your fax number at 615-371-8200 [email]mmorford@mleesmith.com[/email] if you
    >want to see the form.
    >Margaret Morford

  • Dear Margaret:

    I am in the process of reviewing our evaluation forms - if you could send me the evaluation form referenced in your note I would greatly appreciate it.

    My fax number is 712-252-3215; thanks again.

    Steve Gerhart
    Sioux City Brick
  • Margaret:
    I would also like to have a copy of your form.
  • Margaret I am in dire need of help. Evaluation forms are just a minute detail I am in need of. We recently revised our handbook and modeled it from an Alaskan handbook. I attended the TWC Seminar in Dallas and found it to be very helpful. For the longest time we, as the employer, felt cheated by the law. I learned, on the contrary, that I was just unaware the laws that are in our favor. Anything you can do to help would be tremendously appreciated. You can email me with anything at [arowden@rsclark.com].

    Amy Rowden
    Office Manager
    RS Clark and Associates, Inc.
  • All this chat on performance reviews is interesting. This always seems to be a hot topic. I have developed them both internally and for clients. A few years ago I changed my thinking about them due to Tom Coens & Mary Jenkins book, "Abolishing Performance Appraisals."

    Most people don't like doing appraisals, don't do them well & most peolple who are subject to them don't like them (actually most peole get pissed off). Additionaly, they usually get you in trouble (the company), especially in a court of law. There is another way - on-going feedback/communication. If managers/supervisors are taught to do this you can easily fulfill the need to have something on file - either the person does or does not fulfill the job requirements.

    If anything talk about goals, making sure the resources are available and have an ongoing conversation about status and progress being made.

    Think about how many different types of performance appraisals have been developed and where they ultimately end up - trashed - because they don't work well.

    I realize that what I and Tom Coens propose is moving away from tradition and causes some culture change in organizations but it really is what makes the most sense. It is the best way to get buy-in and reduce some headaches because it becomes a process not an event.

    A colleague & I are currently developing a tool that can help this process. If anyone would like to talk further about this, feel free to contact me - [email]BresGroup@4u.net[/email]

    Good luck with your annual rush to get your reviews done!
  • Hi Margaret,
    I would like to have a copy. My fax number is 740-349-3830. Thanks, Donna
    >I have one that I have used with my clients and they really like it.
    >It uses five rating categories, but overlays a numerical scale from 1
    >to 25. This means that those that are "meeting requirements" can be
    >rated 11 to 15. This gives the manager the ability to show
    >improvement by raising the rating from 12 to 13, but not the overall
    >performance rating. Each category is weighted according to the core
    >company values and the specific departmental values. For example, a
    >computer programer would be weighted more heavily on "Job Knowledge"
    >that an accounts payable clerk. Thus, you have everyone using the
    >same basic rating system, but able to adapt it to specifc job
    >categories. I'll fax you a sample if you will send me your fax
    >number. You will need to do some training of the managers before you
    >roll it out, but you probably need to do that any way. Call or e-mail
    >me with your fax number at 615-371-8200 [email]mmorford@mleesmith.com[/email] if you
    >want to see the form.
    >Margaret Morford

  • I am the HR Mgr. of a manufacturing facility with different departmental needs. I am looking at updating our evaluation forms, and yours sounds like one that I would be looking for. Would you be so kind as to share yours with me? My e-mail address is [email]ppierce@usdp.com[/email]; my fax # is 1-763-389-2549.


    Pat Pierce
    U. S. Distilled Products Co.
  • This sounds refreshing! Do you have anything you can share about this process?

    Pat Pierce
    U. S. Distilled Products Co.
  • I read your comments on performance evaluations. I agree with you. We are a production facility with many task-oriented positions, and the standard evaluation form does not work. I've updated ours a year ago, but it could still use some fine-tuning. Would you be willing to share yours?

    Pat Pierce
    U. S. Distilled Products Co.
  • Margaret:
    May I have a copy too. Thanks. fax: 406-265-3638.
  • I would also like the evaluation form. My fax number is 262-878-1580. We use a 5 page evaluation form. It covers every area. The employee completes his/her section, the manager completes the same section using the employee comments. It is very hard for the employee to complete. Your asking the employee to remember every thing he/she did for the last year. I think something easier to complete whould be better. The evaluation forms were created before I started working here. I find that the forms are completed with information from the last 2 months before eval time and not with the accomplishments from the last year.
  • I've always found employee evaluations difficult until I discovered an employee review writer called Performance Now by a company called Knowledgepoint. (They also have computer software to create job descriptions and employee handbooks.) The Performance Now product cost $175.00 and is worth every penny. It has builtin intelligence that helps you track, manage and evaluate performance and conduct. You can set up different formats that measure different areas of performance based on the employee jobs. It has 30 plus elements you may choose from. Under each element, there are specific measureable subcategories. Each element can be rated from a 1 to a 5.

    You just point and click on the rating and the program automatically writes, clear, meaningful text. It even uses the employees name in the text. For example, "John organizes his work to achieve maximum efficiency. He is very good at prioritizing and planning his work." If you rank an employee high or low, the program will automatically advise you to provide concrete examples in the comment section. Based upon the ratings you give, it will give you a list of "sugesstions for improvement." See their web site at [url]http://www.knowledgepoint.com[/url]
  • Perfect !
    Please fax to me also!
    K Rezutek
    General Manager
    CHIPS PLACE - Columbus WI

    >I'll fax you a sample if you will send me your fax
    >number. You will need to do some training of the managers before you
    >roll it out, but you probably need to do that any way. Call or e-mail
    >me with your fax number at 615-371-8200 [email]mmorford@mleesmith.com[/email] if you
    >want to see the form.
    >Margaret Morford

  • I looked at knowledge point originally and found the program too expensive for a small company of under 100 employees. I would love to locate a web based PA system if anyone has used one that is low cost I would appreciate the information.
  • I would appreciate it if you would send me your form as well.

    My fax number is 516-213-1187
  • memiller, would it be possible to get a sample copy of the evaluation process your company goes through? It sounds like something we have been contemplating for the past year. Thank you.
  • Margaret,

    I would like to have a copy of the evaluation form. My fax number is 785-742-2164 or email is [email]kschulenberg@nekcap.org[/email]. Thank you!!

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