Poll-what do your employees pay for health insurance?

What do your employees pay for health insurance? If your employees pay a flat percentage, please state the percentage.
We are going to ask our employees to start paying 20% of the premium, regardless of who is covered (single, family, ee + spouse , ee + children). I wanted to make sure this is fairly normal. We have a pretty good plan-no deductible, low copays, prescription coverage.
We are going to ask our employees to start paying 20% of the premium, regardless of who is covered (single, family, ee + spouse , ee + children). I wanted to make sure this is fairly normal. We have a pretty good plan-no deductible, low copays, prescription coverage.
$60/month single, which is 18.5%;
and $378/month family, which is 40.5%.
I agree that payment of 20% regardless of coverage sounds great for the employees. I wish we could offer that.
Your plan sounds very generous.
Currently (well until May 1 when our rates go up 15.8% and we dissolve our group) a single policy is $583.42!!! And you don't even want to know what the other plans cost..(more than double for a ee & spouse).
That said we paid $300 towards that so EE's were still paying $283.42 for not so good insurance.
Iowa recently started a comprehensive plan that all our ee's were eligible for and in 90% of the cases saved the employees money. BUT the only way that they were eligible was for us to dissolve the plan completely and offer nothing.
We provide 90% employee, and 70% dependents. It's a good plan (Blue Cross) at $200 deductible and 100% coverage for preventative stuff. Dental included. No vision. The complany picks up the whole bill for short term disability, long term disability, and life.
EE Only health - EE pays $14 ppp (every 2 wks), we pay $125
Family - EE pays $162 ppp, we pay $273.
Dental is cheap - EE only for them is $2 ppp and about $16 for family ppp.
We do not have vision, but pay 100% of STD, LTD and life insurance policies.
At least in Missouri, if the employee has to pay any part of a premium, the coverage is considered contributory and therefore voluntary; an employee can elect not to participate. However, under our health insurer's plan, the EE must prove coverage elsewhere. This requirement is for employees only, not dependents.
Welcome to the post! This is exactly what we do. We pay 80% of the premium on:
EE Only-------------$209.71
EE + Child(ren)-----$359.34
EE + Spouse---------$440.45
The plan is a no-deductible, $10 office visit, $150 in-patient, $10/20/30 Rx plan. It's actually pretty rich.
I hope this helps.
Our costs per employee vary depending on whether or not the employee selects the HMO or the PPO (we allow either) and their salary and age for the life insurance and disability. We are paying between $400-$500 per employee per month.
How large is your group? Is that an HMO, and if so, how much more are the PPO rates? (In Missouri, if you offer an HMO you also have to offer a PPO option which usually comes with a higher price tag.)
We cover 90% HMO medical for ee coverage if they elect PPO they pay the difference.
We cover 100% HMO-type dental for ee they pay upgrade to PPO-type dental plan.
EE pay 100% dependent cost.
ER pays 100% life/ad&d for ee 30,000/each
Vision is self funded for ee with reimbursement plan of $45 for eye exams every year &
175 for glasses every 2 yrs, 200 for contacts every 2 yrs.
ER cost per mth per ee is approx 250.00
EE only HMO coverage cost is approx 24.00 per mth
Hope this helps.
Company 100% of premium for Life (4x ee annual salary), ADD, & LTD
We don't offer dental or vision but have Flex Med and Dependant Care options available at 100% ee contribution on the cafeteria plan.
What are the copay amounts?