Headsets for office phones

I have an employee who feels that inorder to do her job well she needs to have a headset conneted to her phone. She has been with the company for about 6 months now, the girl she replaced did her job for 6 years without using a headset. Guarenteed the employee is on the phone getting verification from insurance companies and can be on hold for a long period of time, waiting to speak with a live body. I have told her that during this time she should put her phone on speaker and when the calls goes thru then she can pick up the receiver and talk to the representative.
Initially what happen when she took the position, the girl who orders supplies asked her if she would like a headset, the new employee said yes, but this order was done with no approval from management and was a no! no!. The new employee also has a problem with personal phone calls constantly during the day, with head phones it is alot harder to distinguish what type of call she is on. Last week the director had me take the headset away from her stating it was not an approved requirement for her position. We did use her headset in our dept. that the employees are on the phone constantly. A few days later she produced a letter from her chiropractor stating because of neck issues she needs a headset for her position. We then told her if this is so that we would approve a headset for her at her expense, since her position does not require more than 20% of her time on the phone but she needed to be careful on her personal calls. Could this become an ADA/ workers comp issue since she had the problem before she came to work in our facility.
Thanks sorry so length
Initially what happen when she took the position, the girl who orders supplies asked her if she would like a headset, the new employee said yes, but this order was done with no approval from management and was a no! no!. The new employee also has a problem with personal phone calls constantly during the day, with head phones it is alot harder to distinguish what type of call she is on. Last week the director had me take the headset away from her stating it was not an approved requirement for her position. We did use her headset in our dept. that the employees are on the phone constantly. A few days later she produced a letter from her chiropractor stating because of neck issues she needs a headset for her position. We then told her if this is so that we would approve a headset for her at her expense, since her position does not require more than 20% of her time on the phone but she needed to be careful on her personal calls. Could this become an ADA/ workers comp issue since she had the problem before she came to work in our facility.
Thanks sorry so length
In addition, I would counsel her on personal calls. You may even ask her to complete a phone log for the purposes of determining the volume of business calls.
Good luck with it.
Then give her the headset. I go to a chiropractor every month, and I used to use a headset. The problem is scrunching your neck to hold the phone while you're typing or writing. She could easily claim workers' comp, and her first doctor bill would cost a lot more than a little headset.
James Sokolowski
The personal phone calls can be tracked for outgoing calls quite easily, even our little ole bitty non-profit tracks these. I am not sure about incoming calls though. But if you suspect it is out of hand, have the discussion as James suggested and measure productivity from that point forward. If she is not getting the work done, sit down with her and examine why not.
The personal calls is a separate issue. James' idea is a good one. I have a feeling your employee will not want to comply so easily.
There might be another solution to the scrunchy-neck problem, especially if she doesn't have to type while on the phone. And I'm sure there are plenty of other ways to address personal calls.
Good luck, Ty!
James Sokolowski
The company is within its rights to refuse to use headsets in this or other cases. Better yet, provide her with a speaker phone and see how long she lasts.
I tried, but no one would believe I was that far gone. x:'(
yusta could? Is that a southern thing Sam?
All along she has had a speaker phone, we have re-educated her on how to use it on all hold calls. We have talked to her about her personal phone calls a few times but after taking the headset away from her she has not been talking on the phone as much.
We have also counselled her on her work habits and told her she needs to establish a routine, consisting of prioritizing her duties and effectively managing her time. We also told her that her speed needs to increase without lose of accuracy.
In the process of her correcting issues we also gave her kudos for her knowledge and ability to perform the required duties should she choose to follow our correction of time management and speed.