Employers Forum Protocol



  • I truly enjoy this forum, as it is.

    I appreciate knowing that if I ask a question I will get some honest opinions, whether I like them or not. I don't post with the hope of an agreeable response, I need honest feedback. If everyone is too afraid of offending others, then many valuable responses will be left off, and the value of the forum would decline.

  • It's possible to express brutally honest opinions and to debate topics without personally attacking someone else, though. Let everyone express their own opinions and don't trample all over someone if they see it differently than you do. That's the crux of the matter, IMHO. x:-)
  • CHRISTY: I congradulate you on taking the time and posting this outstanding thread. now you can turn this dying worm onto the nexzt week moderator.

    Thanks again and I will try not to throw "Hog manure" on anyone who does not deserve it.

  • Everytime I leave you guys for a bit I come back to this kind of thread! Seems only a year ago I went out for surgery and came back to a whole new forum with new rules and procedures. Oh, yes -- that was a year ago.

    Well -- this has been an interesting exercise to say the least -- I came in on a Saturday to catch up on some paperwork, only to spend my time reading the forum -- which is filled with so many of my favorite HR professionals. Honestly, I may be the most unlike one of you all -- but admit that I continue to learn from you as I seek to have you learn from me.

    I for one know how to duck hog manure when necessary.

  • Well, it seems like I've missed out on a good debate.

    There is nothing wrong with showing each other a little common courtesy, kindness and respect.

    We, as HR professionals, spend a LOT of time dodging bullents and sweeping crap that it would be nice to get a helping hand of support from colleauges rather than a slap in the face when out here on the forums.

    We will disagree from time to time - strongly disagree, but it is no excuse to not be mindful of our manners. We wouldn't talk to our employees like this would we? Then why is it OK to talk to each other disrespectfully?

    Some of us have strong personalities and opinions, other's truly come here for help and guidance, and the rest round out the forums to make them a valuable resource.

    I hope the "forum rules" reminder will indeed remind us that professional courtesy and respect goes a long way.

    I hope that, if I haven't in the past, will in the future do my best to socialize, communicate and advise with respect and courtesy - whether or not I agree. I hope others will try to do the same.

  • Are you talking about the solid kind or the kind still in liquid form, and where did you get this training?
  • Hey -- both kinds.
    Life Life Life
  • Maybe I missed it, but do we have any idea what the posting was that offended someone's sensibilities so badly? If it was I who offended, sorry about that. Sometimes it is hard to reply to a question without getting down to the nitty gritty rather than wrap it in silk and tie a bow on it. I seriously doubt that any of the posters I've read would be intentionally malicious. Also, as it was pointed out, we don't post anonymously--oh wait! Someone did post anonymously. My error again.

  • No ma'am. They didn't 'post' anonomously. They whined anonomously. But, if it was/were me who offended him/her, I don't give a rat's tookus.
  • I have been silent throughout this debate but I feel I need to voice my opinion though it may not be liked by all.

    I do not appreciate being told I can not type this or that because I may offend someone. If it is a discussion that is controversial you are going to get varing opinions and I for one would like to read them they may not change my opinion but it gives me something to think about.

    That being said, I also do not feel comfortable reading posts going back and forth name calling or such. I feel there is the private e-mail option that those forumites can get their agression out on each other in private instead of inviting the whole forum into the mix. I don't mind them stating their opinion and getting negative responses but when it overtakes the thread and the main topic I usually will switch to another thread or exit the forum for awhile to return to HR issues. No one is hog tying me to a specific thread my fingers are not glue to the keys I have a choice. To read or not to read that is the question.

    Although I feel there should be some personal touches in the forum as well because that gives all of us a sense of who we are speaking to. We all have different personalities and opinions and thank god for it.

    Life would be boring if everyone had the same views or opinions.

    My .10cents (I live in CA)
    Lisa x:D

    Now play nice.
  • The only name calling I remember reading was "whiner", "liberal", "conservative", and possibly "southerner", which I am and proud of it so you can call me that all day long and I won't complain. Again, maybe I missed something.

  • I agree with Lisa....if I don't like the thread I don't bother reading it. No one's holding a gun to my head. I would only add a question: I understand that personal attacks aren't okay, but what about professional attacks? Something like, "WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT FLSA? YOU AREN'T FIT TO BE MY HR ASSISTANT!!!" Is that okay? Just curious. Thanks.

    Actually, Crout, I would consider that to be a personal attack because it attacks the person (their intelligence and competence). It's better to challenge their actions ("You shouldn't have fired her") or their ideas, opinions, statements, etc. ("No, that's not what the FLSA says").

    There's not a fine line, and you have to look at it in context. We usually don't step in unless it's a harsh personal attack, or someone makes repeated attacks, or there are a lot of personal attacks in one thread, which prompted this thread.

    James Sokolowski
  • I may as well add my 2 cents or whatever my thoughts are worth. There is a lot of jesting that goes on, even in the serious sections sometimes. But, sometimes it can be hard to determine if one is jesting or trying to hurt with cruel barbs. All we can read in the posts is the words. Emotions do not always come through and intent can be nearly impossible to ascertain. Nothing wrong with jesting or challenging others or even exposing error, but how it is done is critical. We expect our employees to show proper respect to their coworkers, we should model that behavior.
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