Hostile Work Environment

It is evident to me that my boss, the x}> CEO, has created a Hostile Work Environment for me ( I guess I should say, against me).
I have endured 9 months of personal character assassinations, outright lies ( his going to fellow ees and even my assistant and telling them lies to pit them against me, etc...), re-arranging my office furnishings around, even telling me he would turn my office into a complete filing room with just enough room for my desk, telling me the BOD wants me to look into Employee Leasing (when I know that they are very happy with my HR performance), threatening my job, doing all kinds of illegal things "against HR policies", keeping me completely out of the loop, etc...
I have endured that and much more because the job market is quite bad, and since I am not sure how much longer I will need to take this abuse, I would like to ask if any of you have any suggestions to make my working life sane enough to hold out xpray (as sole supporter for my family, I cannot be without a job)for a more humane environment?
As usual, I appreciate all your input.
I have endured 9 months of personal character assassinations, outright lies ( his going to fellow ees and even my assistant and telling them lies to pit them against me, etc...), re-arranging my office furnishings around, even telling me he would turn my office into a complete filing room with just enough room for my desk, telling me the BOD wants me to look into Employee Leasing (when I know that they are very happy with my HR performance), threatening my job, doing all kinds of illegal things "against HR policies", keeping me completely out of the loop, etc...
I have endured that and much more because the job market is quite bad, and since I am not sure how much longer I will need to take this abuse, I would like to ask if any of you have any suggestions to make my working life sane enough to hold out xpray (as sole supporter for my family, I cannot be without a job)for a more humane environment?
As usual, I appreciate all your input.
Only you know whether you can outlast him &/or whether you should even try. If it was a wonderful job before he came along, I would probably attempt to stay. But I would still put my resume out & see what came along - you'll never know until you try.
As for hostile work environment - technically, that's not the case unless he has singled you out based on protected class. Constructive discharge might be a possibility if all the elements are there. Of course, that would mean filing a suit & I doubt you want that - you probably just want to go to work & do your job well. That may require a change of employment. Good luck to you!
Were it me, I'd grunt my way through it up to the point that I find the next job. I'd then leave gracefully.
And yes, document now every detail you have regarding violations of company policy and labor law. Keep a copy offsite.
What I would do is kill him with kindness. Nothing upsets a malicious and wicked creature more than being nice to him after he just tormented you. It's similar to how do you argue with someone that agress with you?
The advise you received about documenting ALL the objectionable things said and done to you is right on target. List dates, witnesses and any details that are relevant. One day that journal may be your salvation. Keep us posted.
I have been documenting, and I guess I need to be more vigilant about that too (it is so time consuming).
He came in my office today to tell me he is moving my office again. What joy!
Oh, well, I can only pray that I will find another position sooner than later.
Thanks for your input and wise words.
Thank you for all your support and frankly, for just being there for me... it has been very, very difficult.
I am documenting, although should be doing more of it.
And yes, Don D, you are right of course, although everything screams otherwise, I will need to exit (when the time comes, hopefully sooner than later) like a gentleperson.
You put your finger on it: Some people seem to flourish by surrounding themselves with other than the best people who function well independently and as a team. This CEO loves to surround himself with ineptitude and incompetence.
He loves to create chaos and prides himself on coming into my office, most especially, throwing a grenade, and walking away whistling...
All the great advice, and input - I do appreciate it all.
Thank you.
I will shop the market and until then I will just need to endure ...
Bottom line, don't just wait until it gets so bad that you quit. Start doing something about it!