finger painting



  • Ray,

    I dont mean to poo-poo your situation by any means. Its very serious. Hopefully the offender will sense the pressure building (no pun intended) and stop before they leave a permanent mark (sorry) on their record.

  • >Ray,
    >I dont mean to poo-poo your situation by any means. Its very serious.
    >Hopefully the offender will sense the pressure building (no pun
    >intended) and stop before they leave a permanent mark (sorry) on their

    I'm really enjoying these replies, and this the best so far. Thanks, Paul.

    Seems like I've "left my mark" with the first thread I started. I've always said, you have to find some humor ocassionally or you will go nuts. I've been passing on your replies to the engineer responsible for the facility maintenance. They have given him back his sense of humor. He even has pictures. And, no I'm not going to post them.

  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-05-03 AT 08:42PM (CST)[/font][p]This was a duplicate post to the one above. After posting it didn't show, I re-sent it, thus the duplicate. Blame it on diarrhea of the keyboard or a constipated computer. I'm very sorry, I'm not good at puns.
  • I hate to be 'anal' about this situation, but, really......what kind of psyche has a need to do this kind of thing? Can his parents be blamed? Is it something like the mark of 'Zorro'??
  • I'm worried about the man who is taking pictures of it, he bears watching!!! Shouldn't that sentence have had a colon in it?
  • Grooaaannn..I think many of you may need to return to your cells, soon! :)
  • I promised myself I was not going to get involved with this post. The subject "Finger Painting" and the graphics that followed conjured up vivid mental images I would have prefered not to be exposed to. Lets can it and get back to dead turkeys.
  • Or, if Pork would attend these meetings, we could talk about hog chitterlings, more appropriately chitlins. Right on subject. How many of you know what 'stump slung' means anyway?
  • Don, I think 'stump slung' means you had your fingers on the wrong could possibly be a medical term regarding some kind of physiology......I just hope it has nothing to do with the 'finger painting' issue.
  • If it's lunch time in your time zone, put reading this off for an hour. Stump slung is a term, so I'm told, that describes the methodology employed to remove the contents from Hog Bowels, rendering, if you will, the chitterling 'contents free'. I've smelled this product cooking (boiling) once in a high school gym many moons ago and almost gagged. I'm told folks used to (maybe still do) sling the excised bowel up against a tree stump to eliminate the contents. Then the intestine is hosed off and dropped in the boiling water. You asked.
  • No we did NOT ask. You volunteered it.
  • >If it's lunch time in your time zone, put reading this off for an
    >hour. Stump slung is a term, so I'm told, that describes the
    >methodology employed to remove the contents from Hog Bowels,
    >rendering, if you will, the chitterling 'contents free'. I've smelled
    >this product cooking (boiling) once in a high school gym many moons
    >ago and almost gagged. I'm told folks used to (maybe still do) sling
    >the excised bowel up against a tree stump to eliminate the contents.
    >Then the intestine is hosed off and dropped in the boiling water. You

    This HAS to be the reason 'snack bars' have become so popular in high school cafeterias. At my high school, a similar aroma would be coming from the 'lost and found'.

  • mmmmmmmmmmmmm...stump slung Hog Bowels.

    please sir, may a have some more?
  • Pork......where are you? Are you authorized to carry an order pad?
  • Well if you ever catch the guy who is doing the finger painting, maybe you can feed him the hog bowels. That would be motivation to stop. Don - what do you think?

  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-06-03 AT 03:02PM (CST)[/font][p]Wow am I ever sorry I started this thread. 8-|

    But, you have to admit it has become popular.

    The good news, he still has not struck again - it will be one week tomorrow.

  • >The good news, he still has not struck again - it will be one week

    Boy, he must be some kinda blocked up. Just think, one week tomorrow. Issue umbrellas to the slower staff.

  • Like Ritaanz, I resisted, but I can't take it any longer!

    It seems your phantom has become anal retentive.

    Margaret Morford
  • I just want to say that I'm disappointed in the responses that this hot topic got. I took the time to read everyone of them, looking for a possible solution???? a lot of De Jar, Jar, hardly any substance. If any one has had this situation in their work place, they know how hard it is to control and it could even bring in issues of harrassment.

    I have a situation were the majority of my work force is male and the rest are female. Sometimes employees will write derrogatory remarks about a particular employee (usually against the females) or about each other. I have had my share of fingerpainting as well. This situation comes and goes and is hard to know when will it flare up. Always on the look out for Continuous Improvement.

    Any how, I guess no real solutions came out of this so called HOT TOPIC.

    Long Beach, CA
  • Eliant, you are also welcome to participate in a solution to this problem. What would YOU suggest? Cameras are illegal, and short of DNA testing, this is a very difficult situation. I, myself, have tried to look at the serious side of this, and see no quick, easy fix. Please don't be too disappointed in the responses of the forum. I'm sure the 'intial poster' expected this kind of response, and I for one, appreciate and understand that HR people need a little levity too.
  • I repectfully disagree Eliant. Yes there were some large portions of jocularity, but I do believe that there were also suggestions (not solutions) to help resolve the problem. This forum is not the end all be all of HR. It offers advice and suggestions for a number of situations, of which this thread was no different. This is a serious situation and it was approached as such a number of times. It fell apart at the end, but you know as well as I do that our job can be stressful at times and sharing a moment of levity with people in similar situations helps keep us sane in this often crazy environment. I appreciate both the advice and humor that I read on these threads.
  • >I repectfully disagree Eliant. Yes there were some large portions of
    >jocularity, but I do believe that there were also suggestions (not
    >solutions) to help resolve the problem. This forum is not the end all
    >be all of HR. It offers advice and suggestions for a number of
    >situations, of which this thread was no different. This is a serious
    >situation and it was approached as such a number of times. It fell
    >apart at the end, but you know as well as I do that our job can be
    >stressful at times and sharing a moment of levity with people in
    >similar situations helps keep us sane in this often crazy environment.
    > I appreciate both the advice and humor that I read on these threads.

    Ditto. Maintaining a sense of humor keeps me balanced during my many bizarre moments of HR.

  • Elian: If you actually did read all the posts, you surely realized that about half of them were serious attempts to suggest solutions and the other half were a lighthearted way of enjoying ourselves at the expense of no one. We often do that on The Forum. I too am sorry that you didn't see the value of both types of answers. I will chalk it up to the assumption that you had a rough week. If the problem were anything other than acting out behavior by one or two real buttheads, we would perhaps have responded to your satisfaction. For example, had the problem been one caused by disabilities, infirmities, medical issues, retardation or actions that could not be controlled, you would surely have seen only serious, well intended responses and offers of help. In time you will see that we are all 'good-guys' who have this weird affliction ourselves of occasionally having fun together while hurting nobody. Please jump in there in that vein with us when you feel the opportunity is appropriate. x:-)
  • As the originator of this thread, I did fully expect puns and light-hearted answers. But, I also expected some viable ideas, too... and I have not been disappointed.

    I have had suggestions from coworkers ranging from doing DNA testing to installing cameras outside the restrooms to monitor who enters and when. One of the engineers actually checked out the legality of installing cameras inside. The answer is no. I wouldn't think of it anyway. We removed the stall room doors in the one rest room and it caused the artist to do it elsewhere and just made a bunch of innocent guys very angry.

    It can be a serious problem. One concern is if this guy is this crass, what else would he do. For example, after my talk last week, one manager warned me that a person this sick may get so ticked he may bring in a gun and use it to get even. Maybe he has been behind some of the thefts we've had.

    If nothing else, some of the ideas presented here have helped confirm some of my ideas and actions.
  • Eliant,

    I think you are right in principle but I also think you are being a bit hard on us.

    I think you will find that the vast majority of the posts in the forum are excellent, thoughtful responses and spot on. From time to time we get a little silly but that is what keeps the "human" in human resources.

    Maybe we digressed a bit in this thread but this was not a regular (sorry) thread.


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