finger painting

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-28-03 AT 01:48PM (CST)[/font][p]You should read this only if you have a strong stomach.
I just finished talking to all the men in the company concerning a problem that has been going on for several months. We have someone who likes to finger paint in the men's room. Only, they don't use paint they use their feces.
Of course since the stalls have lockable doors, I see no way to catch this person. We have multiple rest rooms, and I have threatened to start shutting them and monitoring who uses the remaining open ones. I appealed to their sense of honor asking for people to report any unusual behavior.
They were warned that if we caught the person, he would be fired immediately.
Anyone else have any experience like this, and if so what did you do?
I just finished talking to all the men in the company concerning a problem that has been going on for several months. We have someone who likes to finger paint in the men's room. Only, they don't use paint they use their feces.
Of course since the stalls have lockable doors, I see no way to catch this person. We have multiple rest rooms, and I have threatened to start shutting them and monitoring who uses the remaining open ones. I appealed to their sense of honor asking for people to report any unusual behavior.
They were warned that if we caught the person, he would be fired immediately.
Anyone else have any experience like this, and if so what did you do?
Laughing way to hard as I type this.
DJ The Balloonman
Ray, I like your idea for getting to the bottom of this asinine behavior. If it doesn't stop, I'd go ahead with your threat to make everyone sign a log (no pun intended) every time they enter the restroom. And check the restroom for crappy artwork throughout the day -- or, better yet, delegate this task to employees in the group. If this doesn't flush out the perpetrator, at least he might clean up his act.
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers
>manager walked in during the act and fired his butt."
>I'm glad he got right to "bottom" of the problem!
It's amazing to me how filthy people are at work. It makes me wonder how they behave at home. I have heard of the feces thing and we have actually had it done in the patients' bathrooms, not in the employees' (not yet anyway). But...they do fail to flush, they throw paper all over the bathroom floors.
In our kitchen, they never wipe the counters after they spill coffee, creamer, suger, etc. Never take an empty coffee pot off the burner (we have had many coffee pot casualties because of this). The refrigerator houses all sorts of laboratory experiments. I had to ban employees from the administrative kitchen area because of their nastiness. We used to let employees share in any leftover food, but they would take it out and leave it all over the counters. Now, we take it to the staff breakroom and let them wallow in their own filth.
I don't think I would ever accept a dinner invitation to their home.
Actually, this is in a manufacturing environment with supposedly all adults. One day last week the artist even drew a smiley face. Very cute and clever.
We have several rest room facilities spread throughout the buiding but it is ocurring in just one. Last December we took off the stall room doors, but the artist struck in another rest room within a few minutes. Besides, we made a lot of innocent people angry.
I threatened to completely shut down the rest room where it has been happening next time. That will force the perp to use another more easily watched rest room. And I told them we would assign "inspectors" to check things out after everytime someone uses the rest rooms. The next step would be to remove the stall doors.
Unbelievable! We do live very close to Pennsylvania. Maybe the "air" is coming from there. :-)
I'll bet you the dude's name is already on your desk somewhere. Check your most recent written or verbal warnings. This guy isn't a frustrated artist. He is a pissed off (sorry) employee.
Good luck in catching Vincent Van Go #2.
>twisted, unsanitary, gross, disgusting, childish, immature, and
Paul: I took the analysis a step further. If he leaves his "mark" in one stall and then "struck in another restroom within a few minutes", he has a more serious problem than those you list.
>your most recent written or verbal warnings. This guy isn't a
>frustrated artist. He is a pissed off (sorry) employee.
Well, there is one very strong suspect. We have about 90 male employees, so kind of the needle in the haystack. This guy almost hit someone in the parking lot a couple of years ago with his car. Of course his story was it was a near accident, the other person jumped in front of him and there were no witnesses. The accuser wasn't the most credible. The FBI showed up one day to interview him. He supposedly made threats by email to President Clinton. They determined he as innocent. Something else happened involving a woman. He admitted to me that "women are different from you and me". Kinda scary. Armchair psychoanalyze that.
We are very close to having a RIF. His manager is not convinced he is the culprit. I am trying to convince that manager since this guy is ranked almost at the bottom of his department, now is the time to say goodbye. So, yes his name is on my desk... if I am right.
>similar problem with other bodily fluids being left on the walls. The
>way we have approached this in the past is when this occurs a shift
>manager picks an ee from the production floor to clean up the mess.
>The next time it occurs a different ee is picked to do the cleaning.
>After a short time the production ee's figure out who the mess maker
>is and peer pressure works wonders! No, this has not been a
>facilitator of work place violence and has resulted in a cleaner, more
>sanitary restroom facility.
You are lucky. I would not even want to imagine what would happen if we asked one of our employees to clean up after someone like this! It would definitely result in violence in the workplace!
Of course I am ASSUMING we were all on good behavior. Who knows what salacious posts Christy keeps from our innocent eyes.
Tony was inspired by the case of an employee who claimed that her hemorrhoids were an ADA disability. Attorneys in several states wrote about it in their Employment Law Letters, with headlines like "Rhoid rage" and "A pain in the butt: the disability or the employee?"
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers
I agree that you probably have this person's name on your desk. How long has it been happening. Have you had any employees get a really bad performance appraisal lately or maybe a conflict with their supervisor or manager?
Good luck with this one and I pitty the poor cleaning person who has to clean it up.
At one point I suspected the cleaning person, because the same person always found it and she immediately put the finger (pun intended) on one of the guys. I thought maybe it was some kind of retaliation. But, after further investigation, that doesn't seem to be the case.
Paul, if the puns had gone too far, would you have blamed me? :-)