
In the summer we hire several high-schoolers to work with our elderly residents. A few of these students repeatedly come to work with hickies. Some of our staff members have complained about the unsightliness of these hickies and what they suggest. They want us to do something about it like address it in the dress code or something. We didn't make an issue of tattooes because most have little ones on their ankles or places we can't see. I'm not sure there's anything we can do except remind them about a professional appearance. Anyone else have ideas?
Whoever ever said that HR wasn't babysitting!
If this is an issue that creates a distraction in the workplace, I would just advise the "youngsters" that this is not professional and to please cover up with a band aide until it is gone.
Later, I found going into healthcare that dress and demeanor were much more relaxed and I find therein a lot of people problem ensue because of this "relaxed" environment. The argument for this, some would say, is the stress of the job. I disagree. I believe people use this as a "crutch" to behave in certain ways. Good taste is good taste and bad taste is bad taste.
For myself, I know if I look particularly good on certain days, I feel better about myself and I act differently than if I know I am not at my best and have a bad hair day.
I think we are setting bad examples in tolerating poor dress and unprofessional behavior in the workplace.
Wait until you have to deal with the person whose scrubs no longer cover their midsection!
We had a lady who was quite zoftig. (Don D, it's in Ritaanz 's dictionary. If you're nice to her, maybe she'll tell you what it means!) She was a size 16 "in denial," wearing stretch clothing that was a size 12. Her skirts were in compliance with our dress code in the front (three inches above the knee) but not in the back if you know what I mean. Walking up the stairs behind her was quite an eye opening experience. So I called her manager to ask her to talk to the lady. Her manager tried to wiggle out by saying that she was in compliance. I told the manager to stand behind her because she was only in compliance in the front. The manager then said, "So, you want me to have the big butt talk with her?"
We had a mini-coaching session before their meeting took place. Never a dull moment!
Margaret Morford
Margaret Morford
Don: I don't know if we would give an employee a hard time if they came in with a hickie or not (medium age at our company is 47), but I do know I would send them home if they came in without pants. You must work at a very "open" place. x:D
PS I can't get the picture out of my mind of you in work pant-less. x:o
So is a "dohicky" when two consenting adults put marks on each other, Mr. Word Wealth?
Margaret Morford
Margaret Morford