Weighing the Pros and Cons of Changing Jobs - Some Advice?

I know a lot of you have probably been approached by headhunters and have been offered jobs. How do you know when it's the right time to consider making a move? A certain amount of money over and above what you are making? More benefits? Security? More challenge? Less stress? More stress? Whatever.
Any comments would be appreciated.
Any comments would be appreciated.
One thing that is great about HR is that I get to hear from ex-employees usually about three months after they leave here. They call me back to let me know that their new job hasn't turned out to be the utopia they thought it would. Often they end the conversation by asking if their old job is still available (I think long and hard before bringing them back.)
I think you may want to determine what is causing you dissatisfaction at your present job and make sure any future change would address those issues.
What I value in a job is:
1) how much I value the mission of the organization (I work for a non-profit)
2) level of respect for the head of the organization
3) appreciation for my contribution
4) ability to control my schedule
5) equitable pay
With this company, I wear two hats : HR and Accounting . I work hard to save this factory money, and the owners spend it like crazy, on crazy items, and on themselves. After over three years with no raise, ( so-called cash flow problems ) I have decided to start looking for another job elsewhere.I am not sure how long it will take to find one, but it will happen. All these years, with rental prices in the San Diego county area going out of sight, I am between a rock and a hard place.If anyone knows of a position open , please feel free to contact me at:
I really like and respect the people I work for but I know (from past situations) that if costs/jobs start getting eliminated, they will look for support type people before they look to clinical areas.
It looks like I am making my pro and con list by default.
Thanks for all the suggestions.
Ask yourself "What do I want to be when I grow up?", will your current position take you there?
Even when we're "not looking" to change jobs, its important that we make ourselves aware of growth opportunities.
Others have brought very good points to the table - remember to protect the "keeping balance in your life" philosophy.
Drive time, work environment, hours invested, benefits, $$, perceived value of contribution are all important but it looks as though you've weighed those out.
Good Luck & Congratulations on the Offer