PHR Certification Recommendations?

I am considering testing for my PHR certification this December. Does anyone have any recommendations as to what I should be studying/doing to prepare? I would really appreciate any suggestions you might have.
Thank you,
Krista Denn
Thank you,
Krista Denn
I prepared for the exam through a study group. The text we used is Human Resource Management by R Mathis and J Jackson. It was the 9th edition but this was 2 years ago, there may be a newer edition. Publisher is South-Western College Publishing @ [url][/url]
If you are disciplined enough, you may want to try to go through the modules by yourself and I believe you can order directly from SHRM. The study groups are very helpful though and keep everyone focused.
click on colleges and universities and it gives you 3 schools in MN that offer the class that Rockie is talking also gives you info. on the learning course.
Good luck on the test - the SHRM website says that only about 65% pass the course the first time. I am talking the class in the fall and will probably take the test in December, too.