Office romance
8 Posts
I just finished reading How can I deal with office romance? You mentioned removing the subordinate employee to a new position. Can you legally request the subordinate employee to terminate their position?
Margaret Morford
In my years of experience in this area, I have seen some very ugly situations develop such as when a relationship goes sour, the affect on morale in a department if a supervisor is dating a subordinate, etc. and the list goes on and on.
But, you also have to be aware that people are people and these things are going to happen at work. The important thing is not to force the subordinate party into resigning, transferring, etc. Advise the parties that the relationship is causing problems and what the problems are. Let them make the decision as to who will transfer, resign, etc. If they can't make a decision or won't, then we advise that both resign.
Employees are well advised of this policy as well as our harassment policy, both in our handbook as well as a written policy given to them at new employee orientation.
Hope this helps.
The concern should be focused where the real problems are - reporting relationships, managers who don't understand that dating employees can create problems, romantically involved people who are not discreet,etc. At the stage described in the original message, all that is appropriate is to advise the employees of potential problems and then address them if they arise.
Margaret Morford
I would really appreciate a sample copy of your non-fraternization policy. If you need my email address, please contact me through my mailbox here. Thanks....