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  • Thanks for the responses. I could find nothing; I called the Department of Labor, Department of Public Safety, the Council, etc. The link was trememdous help as well. It goes without saying that weapons are prohibited in our facility, I guess we …
  • I have five tattoos. One one my right leg, one on my left, one covering the top of my right foot, one on the inside of my lower left arm, and one that goes from my hand to my upper arm. I love them all. They don't affect how I work, or how smart …
  • Thanks for the responses - I needed some validation. What happened is that we have a new Executive Director who is not as touchy-feely as the previous one, and the staff - especially the managers for the shelter program are rebelling. Unfortunatel…
  • One of the reasons we require an application is that part of the application is a "philosophy statement" about domestic violence (we're a shelter). Believe it or not, people will write the most outrageous things on that statement and that helps pre…
  • Excellent idea! I think we'll try something like that.
  • The ad tells them to come in and get an application. We also have a website they can download the application off of. 99% maybe inflation on my part due to my frustration. Aside from that, I'm also interested in what are thoughts on people who ca…
  • Thanks, everyone, for the feedback. I work for a social service agency that can sometimes be a little too soft on employees in the policy department. I personally think that you need some budget counseling if you can't even make it paycheck to pay…
  • I work for a Domestic Violence shelter, and would ask that although you are not mandated to report the abuse, please offer this woman as much support as possible. Her supervisor should let her know that there are people at work she can talk to. Mo…
  • We have a four month orientation period for our non-exempt employees, and a six-month orientation period for exempt employees, specifically for the reasons you described above. This usually works out well, although since we don't allow employees ac…
  • I wrote a rebuttal to the ED that said exactly that. If I had to go run an errand, or leave for lunch, I would have to sweep everything off my desk and put it into a locking file. This may be a solution to a messy desk, but not really time efficie…
  • You all are fabulous. Thank you - I really needed some validation! Sobekneferu
  • We only have four people working the "swing shift" in our shelter - but we have around 40 employees in all. We definitely qualify. I want to thank everyone for their responses. My concern was caused by the fact that we have accomodated people wit…