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  • Last weekend I was crossing the Chesapeak Bay Bridge and longed to be on one of those sailboats! Used to be a hobby of mine when I lived in Annapolis a hundred years ago. But, as you can tell from my username, I'm skatin' now, so good for you for go…
  • I worked in my office all day Sunday while my dear husband was home mowing the lawn, doing laundry, changing the sheets, making dinner and ensuring that my Sunday evening, as well as Monday, would be "mellow" and free from "emotional outbursts." Ac…
  • An Excel spreadsheet can be built fairly easily for this task. I have 11 employees and that's what I do.
  • They probably don't have a clue they are disrupting things. Most of the time their absence goes unnoticed -- until I need something, or realize phones aren't being answered in their offices. The number of them leaving at the same time just recently …
  • HR and Manager have been communicating. HR staff has, without knowing it, created the perception for her that she is not his assistant by giving her the title of "Office Manager" -- which would apply when the state office grows to the point of more …
  • Thanks, that's what I thought.
  • Since the initial claim of hostile work environment and the conference call between HR, him and her, she has "towed the line" and been accommodating to all his requests, he said, to a fault. The situation seems to be that since she complained to HR …
  • IN is an at-will state, but how does that apply with a CA company? THere is still the retaliation claim for a law suit if she is fired. She may be unhappy, but she is making a good salary, is in the middle of a divorce and has 3 kids -- I don't thin…
  • He has addressed this with HR and they are trying to help him document appropriate things. They don't seem to be on her "side" but they take the possibility of a law suit very seriously and have told him he can not fire her. That's why the work envi…
  • Actually, AJ SPHR, our culture is what you describe. It was flexible, self-monitoring, and an attempt to honor work-life balance; and it was abused. Our discussion yesterday included appropriate use, excessive use, timeliness, etc. When I walk into …
  • Thank you all for your thoughts and suggestions. To update: job seeker was terminated yesterday. (She was about to leave to move her father recovering from brain surgery from the rehab center to home). She hollered to the staff as she walked down th…
  • Why are so many looking? The first one was because she doesn't like me one little bit. She has told me I don't praise her often enough, visit her office enough, give her enough time off (she exceeded her accrued vacation, sick and personal time by 7…
  • Thank you all so much for your wise words of support and encouragement. It has been pretty much a sleepless time worrying about all of this -- which is wasted energy.
  • Thank you all for your help and insight. I am really too soft in this area and need a tougher skin. Taking work time to write a resume and letters, etc. is crossing the line and I knew it. Timing is terrible, but when is it ever good?
  • There is no fraudulent billing. Time allocations are to help us account for program costs for UBIT (We are a non-profit). So are you saying that if I let her go for violating a policy (misusing company's resources for personal benefit; falsifying t…
  • Our policy refers to personal calls, mail and Internet use, not necessarily use of the computer for personal use. We also have a section in the policy stating guidelines for appropriate conduct and listing of what we consider inappropriate; "engagin…
  • Congratulations! It's a good thing to think of when to tell your boss. One of my key employees wanted me to be the 'first to know' before anyone else in this small office (of 11) but she wanted to wait for an 'opportune time' and thought her annual…
  • I have covered all the issues of the meeting, and future meeetings, with all parties, and NOW they agree with me. The board members present expected more of the staff person than she was able to provide, as she is not a spokesperson for the associat…
  • I have asked myself to honestly assess whether this is more personal than I thought, but if take this staff person out of the picture, and put, say, a male staff person in the situation -- entertaining and socializing, vacationing with other board m…
  • You are absolutely right! And I won't think about it for a whole week. Thanks, I won't tell you where I'm going so you won't hate me more...just a hint or two: warm, sunny, lots of blue, blue water and Cap'n Steubing won't be there.
  • Thanks everyone, for the supportive replies. Just had to get a reality check. The last time I wrote a negative review about her (a year ago) she called the president of our Board of Directors and created a "national incident" which triggered an inte…
  • Actually, this IS Jane's review process. The peer review was in gathering comments from her co-workers to help her growth process, to put her assessment with other's assesment of her. The staffer who is so stressed out was nervous about "tattling" a…