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  • Thank you so much. That was pretty easy. They make messages so much more fun to read.xclap
    in Icons Comment by offadmin March 2004
  • It's just that people can sense the tension. Also, one of them loves to talk about it to anyone will listen.
  • That's an idea definitely worth more than .02 cents. Thanks so much!!
  • Actually, I told them in the first meeting that they could figure out a way to get along or they would both be in jeopardy of losing their jobs. I don't think they believe us because there is such a shortage of good legal secretaries in this area.
  • I also am currently taking the same certification preparation class. I might just caution that it can be overwhelming for someone who hasn't done HR for awhile...lots of info that doesn't apply to small companies. In this class, I learned there ar…
  • Thanks for your prompt reply. Part of the problem is that I am HR and her immediate supervisor but I can see that I still need to follow the same type protocol you mentioned.
  • If I understand the original question, I think the issue was actually offering the position to an outside applicant while the internal posting was still in process. I would not advise this, not for legal reasons, but just for the sake of keeping cu…
    in Policy Comment by offadmin November 2002
  • I agree with Pork. Check your written policy, but if you are an at-will employer and if it doesn't violates EEOC regs, you have the right to terminate an employee without reason. If the problem with this person is a bad attitude, now is the time t…