Steve McElfresh


Steve McElfresh
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  • The information on deductibility above appears basically correct as I understand it. BUT: the fact that you (and the couple) are not located in a common-law state may not insulate you from addressing this issue. The quick reference I have availabl…
  • I believe you will find that there are no federal/ERISA restrictions on doing coverage waivers, but you should make certain that there is nothing in your state that says otherwise. I would also require that anyone seeking a waiver has alternative…
  • Pork: You might want to know that there is immigration policy rationale for having illegals eligible for some of the protections of FLSA. And it is not to provide a benefit to illegal workers. If firms are able to hire illegals, systematically un…
  • mwild: I don't think I could parse the relative weight of the two, but you are certainly right that both drivers exist. Those employers who see it as a competative advantage often offer more than required by the regs -- and did so before there wer…
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-27-03 AT 01:29AM (CST)[/font][p]"Wellness program" has a multitude of meanings, from a partial subsidy of a health club, to on-site hot rock massage and diet counseling. Most small companies I work…
  • I would be tempted by a very few other options, particularly those allowing a different kind of travel (hello Jacques Cousteau!). But, knowing what I know now, I would also be delighted to end up in HR, and do love the work, the challenges, and es…
  • Those arrested are, apparently, janitorial workers employed by Wal*Mart subcontractors in a number of locations. [url][/url] On the surface, it sounds much like the sweeps that …
  • HRCathy, I'd like to discuss an aside to your query (by the by, I agree with the advice that the increase should go through. Salary changes are not at employee discretion, nor do managers get to withhold them just because they get their knickers i…
  • Absent a contract, violations of public policy, or employment in Montana, no one has job protection. Doesn't matter if the change in hours is a small reduction or a total elimination (i.e., a firing/RIF). But your question about discrimination w…
  • mwild, Yes. And from understanding those differences comes better action -- which is, of course, one of the great values of the forum. That was the message of the first line of my first posting above. Thanks. I am glad you are here. Regards, …
  • Don, Come on out, hog and all. We'll do a roast. But we might have to arm wrestle to see which of us gets roasted . . . By the by, I wish I weren't so firmly planted in the real world, and dealing with issues such as this on a regular basis -- a…
  • I am glad I was able to loosen things up. Easy consensus is boring. Sounds like I am the only one, 'cept perhaps Hatchetman, who has dealt with situations of real harassment that required a meaningful response, but were isolated, mild and inadvert…
  • There seems to be a consensus here. So let me suggest a different tack, and see if I can loosen things up. But first, I would agree with the comments to the effect that precedent be damned, do the right thing. If protecting her requires "disrupti…
  • A couple items from a quick google search to get you started . . From the perspective of Nevada law, but some federal cases, and the state cases cite others from around the country: [url] privac…
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-09-03 AT 12:54PM (CST)[/font][p]Thanks for the clarification. This is easier. If you have the standard language in all relevant documents (". . . for any reason or no reason at all . . .", " . . . c…
  • bgreene, It would help a great deal if shared the "So what?" of your question. Is this a question of contesting UI? Re-employment opportunity? Paying the company back for training or materials? Fear of having changed the at-will status? Semantic …
  • Right you are that transcripts are no assurance. A book like Dons' will probably take care of the vast majority of instances in which you need to check accreditation. And it certainly will take care of the diploma mills. It will only miss places …
  • I think TN has it right on. Each region has an accrediting body for higher education and there is no reason to accept degrees from non-accredited schools. CHEA maintains a searchable database of accredited colleges/universities, and indicates who p…
  • Right. "Volunteering" or not does not change the answer. Reading a little between the lines, it appears that this person wants to do this for experience, pleasure, and/or tips. But it does not have to do, as I hear it now, with any community or ch…
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-04-03 AT 06:45PM (CST)[/font][p]Leslie, DOL's reference to "any other basis" (below) would seem to allow both volunteering in the sense you describe it, and payment from tips (IRS issues are, of cour…
  • Jerzal, You may find some useful information at, the Villanova Univ. AAUP site, which appears to provide the relevant PA labor code and some analysis as well. There is also a policy statement from Kings College …
  • Don, Cute speech for the courthouse steps, but it would never be allowed in your cross-examination. More to the point, I was simply emphasizing that asking if the hiring is "illegal" is an insufficient analysis of the risk. In the courtroom 1) f…
  • Sandy, I would agree with the answers you have been given, but suggest that they miss the point. A common mistake for HR folks is to ask (and answer) whether or not an action is illegal. However, in many cases, like yours, the better question is …
  • Scottorr: You have some good language suggestions, so let me make a different point. You are talking about adding it to your orientation checklist. I suggest this could be too little, too late. Too little in that for some companies this is not a…
  • Don, you're an OW-NF???!! I would have thought you were MW-NF . . . . Regards, Steve Mac Steve McElfresh, PhD Principal & Founder HR Futures 408.605.1870
  • TN, Several thoughts: 1. I find myself with those questioning the termination, ASSUMING that managing and appearing to manage with fair/due process is something you want to do (for whatever reasons: legal, cultural, morale, moral . . .). As I h…
  • Friends, As others have said: At-will is a legal defense, and many (most?) at-will employers also practice progressive discipline and will document significant improvements or declines in employee performance. Why bother? Because progressive dis…
  • Lara, It occurs to me that despite all our yakking, I for one don't have any idea what you were referring to when you asked at the start of this thread about "the At Will legislation". At-will is fundamental and long-established public policy in a…
  • Don2: Hey fella, who are you accusing of having dentures!!?? Steve Mac Steve McElfresh, PhD Principal & Founder HR Futures 408.605.1870
  • Yeah, if only it weren't for that pesky 13th Amendment, we could go back to the good 'ol days of indentured servitude. Now there's an employment contract! ;-} Regards, Steve Mac Steve McElfresh, PhD Principal HR Futures 408.605.1870