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  • Johana, What I uncovered in my research was 2% of their total wages. This information is dated 3/21/06. Since you said 3%, is it possible that I have the wrong information.?
  • Don D. I think you have mis-understood or are either your reading into this a little more than you should. He is not trying to reorganize the company! He simply wants to see, for himself, if we are top heavy based on what other similar companies…
  • Terminating him under the attendance policy is your safest bet. We had a similar situation and because the conviction did not have a direct impact on the persons job we used the attendance policy. However, you have to remember you can't use a conv…
  • Don D, No, not a lot of money, mostly time. It's a band aided system and now needs a lot of money sunk into it. I have to agree with you, I prefer the old fashioned method, however, my previous boss was a cutting edge kind of guy and was always …
  • PORk, apparently I do need to provide additional information. We keep all original files in the HR dept. The scanning system we have would eventually allow managers to view their employees files in their entirety and only their employees. It would…
  • Were you able to get some information on standards? If so, would you mind sharing them with me? We have started conducting background checks and although we have policy, it lacks in specifics. Any help would be appreciated. Many thanks, Ginger …