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  • Thanks everyone. All suggestions were/are helpful. Maybe I can try and be a bit more specific for additional suggestions. 1) these two individuals are over their PTO and we have a month and a half left in the year, but they continue to pile up doct…
  • As to your second paragraph, can you point me to the rule that states this about not being able to require doctor visits outside of work hours or at more convenient times to both parties?
  • I don't understand what you mean by company culture and outlook on life threatening conditions? What is STD and LTD?
  • i understand the point of FML. but in this instance, we have individuals who did not plan PTO properly and are putting us in a position of having labor shortages. certainly we think a better effort can be made to schedule these "doctor appts" before…
  • we are small in the office (13 employees) but i think ew get nailed because we have field staff that exceeds 100 people. no state rules apply.
  • I declare this thread officially dead........
  • unbutton, unfasten, whatever..... and the "younger HR folks" as you so lable, are the ones paying the price for blaise' approach taken by the oldies as it relates to title VII. there is no harm in being safe when behavior can be misconstrued. eve…
  • I agree with you Hatchetman. In our case, the behavior was making fellow employees very uncomfortable. There was room for misinterpretation and as an wner of a business, even a manger of one, we are duty bound to address the situation. I see no valu…
  • yes, that's what we did. i did a little research on the supreme court's test as to what will rise to the level of sexual harassment and cearly this didn't meet the test. so i gave him a verbal not to do it around others (no referene made as to haras…
  • actually, we took the position that at the very least the belt buckle was being loosened, so i said to him he needed to avoid this around others. i said if he did the zipper thing, he had to stop. therefore, i didn't take sides on the zipper issue s…
  • Thanks for the advice. I did most of what you suggested already. As I posted earlier, he denied the incident. We took the position that even the belt buckle incident(s) should be avoided and done prior to eating so that no one gets offended. He was …
  • don, sounds to me like al you do is lecture, you don't listen or read the question. lisa got what i asked from the beginning. let me quote you from message #7 "You go from 2 posts to 5 posts yet none of them are revealed on a search. Pardon my dou…
  • actually, you really didn't do that, the bulk of your message was on the investigation and how i was wrong there. hey INELSON, BEAVE, and BALOONMAN, is it ok for don to throw out jabs like that? I'm just supposed to take it?
  • Lisa you are the smartest person here. That is all i was looking for.
  • Good-bye cruel world...nobody loves me!
  • Look at #7 response. Also you didn't see what was deleted from them as well. I did not receive advice, i was attacked. Sorry you can't see the other side of things. LIke I said a zillion messages ago, I posted a serious matter and was attacked for i…
  • BM, thanks for your reply. You certainly entitled to your opinion. I have no problem with anyone giving advice. I think you should take a look back at Don's post (i think it's number 7). He wasn't giving advice, he was mocking my scenario (the case …
  • Don, to be quite honest, you took a serious matter and used it as a chance to ridcule. I think you took a matter i thought was serious and used it to question if i was being legit. It also was a big deal to you that i had less than the 6500 posts yo…
  • Rita and AJ thanks. You gave good advice. A few others did as well. It was never my intention to mislead or offend anyone. I appreciate all of the suggestions. Hopefully if there is a next time scenario, my posting(s) can go smoother. Again, many th…
  • I wanted to follow up on some of the recent posts. I think the consensus was good, investigate then decide. What I was attempting to do, which has been quite muddled in all of the responses, was find out what people would do if this happened in thei…
  • thanks everyone. i think the consensus then is to go with some questions to the employee and basically counsel or give a warning to deter the behavior. it was just so outrageous of a claim, i just can't believe someone would do such a thing. i think…
  • don, thanks for the input. actually i'm not a new poster, i just haven't posted often. i think you are focusig too narrowly on my choice of words. i said apparently only because i mysel did not view this behavior. the behavior is confirmed by three …
  • The "trick"? Wow Ray, do you normally deceive your employees? Hey you have a zillion posts like Don, do you have a life either? Don't forget to trick yourself to take those meds ray "A".
  • I see your points. It's not that we are trying to hide anything, it's just that the printing of the time cards has lead to more tension in terms of employees fighting every issue. They can see the card for the week they login, etc/ I think the idea …