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  • Can't help -- yet. We have a compression issue as well and I am anticipating a meeting with the Corporate VP to discuss. If something tangible comes out of this I will be glad to share.
  • There are legal retention parameters - for example records of occupational exposure to chemicals must be kept for 30 years. If you are a SHRM member you can download a handy chart that lists each type of record and the required retention. And, you…
  • I don't know about mandatory but we our employees must sign all discipline and are routinely given a copy.
  • I agree that an H-1B is no reason to put up with poor performance/attitude. As far as I know if you terminate the employment relationship you would have to pay his fare to return to his country of origin but hsve no other obligations. I would advi…
  • Brother Bluto: What a great idea! I have an excellent rapport with all four unions and I am going to try this. Thanks so much --- I'll keep you posted.
  • You're correct. The unemployment rate is about 4% and the applicants we see are horrendous. Most people who want a job have one. That being said, we have made strides in our employee relations since I've been here (one year yesterday.) We are mo…
  • They disappear or we "disqualify" them for not working. We are union (we have four) and we use contract labor as absentee fill-in. The only ones we compete with are similar industries - the work is just as hard and hot. We can't fill either one -…
  • Sorry - I am degreed as is my Generalist. The HR Assistant is not.
  • We are a heavy manufacturing plant with 420 employees at our site. There is another plant and corp. hq in the same city. We have an HR Director, an HR Generalist and an HR Assistant on site. (We also have 4 unions which means a lot of paperwork.)…
  • I would not give any more information than that he is employed. And I wouldn't give that without his signed release. It is wise to Be very careful who you tell that someone is injured or off from work on disability.
  • No - it's not in their contract and the argument that was made that the people who work from 5:30 AM to 5:30 PM are "too dirty" to go vote without a bath first and that would take them too long. It's pretty much nonsense and, I think, an attempt to…
  • Thanks everyone for your prompt and insightful help. (Of course, it helps that you agreed with me.) We will be doing a separate log for internal applicants to go along with our adverse impact analysis on promotions. Thanks again.
  • It is however generally true that you can get into trouble deducting anything from an employee's check with authorization. Sorry - you're probably going to end up taking the loss unless (and maybe even if) you are prepared to get an attorney, etc.…
    in deductions Comment by Gadget May 2006
  • We do an annual performance review for all salaried (exempt & non) in January then a Mid-Year review in June. Hourly reviews are done near the end of the probationary period. (Union mfg. plant)
  • My mfg. plant is currently involved in a similar inistiative. Some things we've looked at: Overtime Benefits Staffing levels-efficient use of current staff Contracting out nonessentials (cleaning service) Hiring costs Turnover Traini…
  • Pork: You raise a good point -- we have "supervisors" in the plant who will be retiring and we generally promote these from within the ranks of hourly employees. We also have nonexempt (who I'm thinking of as the mentees) who have come through the …
    in Mentoring Comment by Gadget May 2006
  • Diversity in management is the goal. My problem is not lack of clarity -- it is lack of simplicity in everything I've seen or come up with. I really believe in the K.I.S.S. principle.
    in Mentoring Comment by Gadget May 2006
  • Thanks Paul & Bluto -- I agree with you as I too have had excellent informal mentors through the years. However, our company wants to make the relationship formal as part of our diversity program. I am fairly new to the Company and was hired w…
    in Mentoring Comment by Gadget May 2006
  • Thanks - the program I'm putting together is mentoring within the Company for purposes of fostering diversity in management and developing a succession plan.
    in Mentoring Comment by Gadget May 2006
  • Our wording is similar as well but we limit it to "within the last seven years."