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  • Our policy states that all paid time must be used prior to any unpaid time. If someone is late or leaves early we force the paid time. We also round up to the nearest hour. If they were 15 min late, we charge their vac bank for 1 hour. Also, all pai…
  • What is his normal Job? If he can't do paperwork I would get off the road during his commute hours. If your's is a right to work state? Termination can happen for any reason. I suppose if you lable it as Layoff, you should not post for his replaceme…
  • Gtabopt Oh I do feel your pain. Family owned business, do more with less for less and MICROMANAGE, blah, blah, blah.... The position I am in was very much misrepresented to me as well. When they started throwing these UNrelated projects at me, I v…
  • My second paragraph states "the owners brother had the boys pull weeds in an area, when the boy bent over he was pinched" yes, pinched by the brother,the contractor ect. I was trying to give enough info and at the same time keep it clean and be disc…
  • Yes, the harasser is an adult (40-50)ish...The owners, husband & wife are back and just now I am told his contract will be terminated 10am this morning. The mother of the pinchee(15)will be in this afternoon. This is really out of my hands now.…
  • I understood we could no longer keep copies, that we must look at it and transfer the info to the I-9 due to identity theft! I am not sure I want to do it this way. Why you ask? When I started with this company I started checking with ss for prope…