Bill ONeill


Bill ONeill
Last Active
Guest, Member


  • You can always reply with that great disclaimer. "Please disregard 1st E-Mail".
  • Congrats to AnneHa & Popeye. Eddie Matthews is the correct answer. Concerning Youse Nu Yarkers - Get a Life.
  • Bad, Bad, Bad... But being a Red Sox fan, I would expect that type of behavior in Yankee Stadium. Now for a real Baseball Quiz Question. Name the only Baseball Player who played for the: Boston Braves, Milwaukee Braves, Atlanta Braves. Cheers…
  • My former plan charged a 1X set-up fee of $50.00. Frivolous loans used to rub me the wrong way, since the Company was good enough to provide a plan with the intent of aiding an employee's senior years - not to build up $2,000 in assets, then to take…
  • This reply is issued after reading the earlier replies. Let the Insurance Company take the lead. Inform them of your suspicions. Did this fall occur on your property ? Was the walkway shoveled ? (the answers might be irrelevant). If the per…
  • Although it appears, as presented, it is not a WC case, it is prudent to do the paperwork for anything that occurs on the work site. A denial would satisfy that a claim was filed. As others have correctly stated, it is the duty of the insurance com…
  • I agree, Company document. I had an applicant fill out an application, not qualified, and then he announced that he was sitting down and not moving until he was given the position. Finally, had to call the Police, who picked him up and dropped him…
  • Yea, Been there. It's the ones that you think are a slam dunk in your favor, that you lose. But, no matter how ridiculious the UC decisions are, they pale to some of the WC decisions that come down.
  • Upon written request, we will allow an employee to review their personnel and medical file, in the presence of an HR representative. No questions are answered at that time. Prior to the review, the file is looked at by a HR rep, and any informatio…
  • Since you have the language in the handbook, my sense is that you can recoup this charge. But (there's always a but), my sense also tells me to inform the employee that the Company will pay the charge this 1X only. Future violations wil be charged…
  • I feel that you made an error in not forseeing that your allowing the individual to take 6 hours vacation time would lead to a problem. My undrstanding is that you must make an accomodation for a religious practice, as long as it does not adversely…
  • I could go on & on over this topic, as I have been involved in a number of manufacturing pay systems (paid for each piece / standard hours system / cell performance). In short, my opinion is that any manufacturing pay system needs to be perform…
  • Our CB agreement did not have a mandatory OT clause, and the Union was adamently against any language. We pushed the issue, and they did not push back. We achieved what we wanted. As a suggestion, if you find that OT is routine, you may want to c…
  • This reply is written without viewing the earlier responses. I have always viewed racially insensite comments in two ways. If it is a quick comment delivered in the heat of a battle, that is one path. If it is delivered by a person who has a his…
  • Note that I have not read the other answers. Based on what you have said - You do not like your main contact, do not like the industry, far away, I would kick back and enjoy the summer. Maybe you could go work for the Atlanta Braves. Life is too …
  • We went from smoking in the rest rooms only (how gross) to smoking in break areas only to smoking in dedicated rooms to no smoking in the building (yea). A fair number of employees have stopped smoking, but we still have a hard core who smoke. For…
  • In my past life, we had a buyout for an employee to opt out of the Family plan to join their spouses Family plan. We made a payment at the end of the Insurance year. (in reading this thread, the amount we paid was miniscule compared to what is pre…
  • Our policy stated that cell phone use was to be restricted to break time only. If one was expecting an urgent call, then they were to notify their supervisor. Did you see the movie "Bend it like Beckham" ? there is a funny scene as a cell pho…
  • How about simply cancelling Direct Deposit and making the check out to "Estate of John Jones" ? Then mail it to the last address on record.
  • In my past life (with a manufacturing company) we had a part-time nurse, who would dispense when she was present. At other times, we would simply leave out a dish with Aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, for ee's to take as they wish. (in so doing, we probab…
    in Pills Comment by Bill ONeill May 2004
  • Also being in Massachusetts, we will be under the gun starting on Monday, May 17. I am somewhat annoyed by the lack of guidance that we have received. The focus has been on the Marriage issue, and the law is the law. If they can be legally married…
  • As I understand the Laws - If a federal Holiday falls on a Sunday - It must be celebrated on a Monday. (July 4th) If a Holiday falls on a Saturday, then that is the day that it is celebrated. Companies have the option of paying a 6th day of pay, o…
  • Back in the work force after a 1 year "Mental Health Break". You must treat Pregnancy the same as any other condition. Seeing how she is entitled to 0 benefits, I would suggest the terminate / re-apply when medically cleared. In saying this, I hav…
  • Absent a verified serious reason - cut the cord. Short & Simple. No sense in discussing further.
  • I just finshed reading the replies, and I feel proud to say that I am a member of the forum. What support. I went thru a similar set of circumstances in that I left my employer after 35 years. It simply was no fun anymore, and I was sick of the …