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  • If I had it to do at a new company, I would implement a vacation accrual program.  Then after the probationary (or trial) period, even the short timers would earn some vacation time.  I'd go with 5 days for the first year  (# days divided by 12 = fr…
  • All of the above and then some.  We also have volunteer days for Habitat for Humanity and do things through employee contributions (with small company matche) to help the needy.  Start an employee committee which can make suggestions. 
  • Keep in mind that whatever you do... other employees are going to hear about it.  If you cut someone who gave you two weeks notice loose after only one week, what incentive do other employees have in giving you any notice at all.  If I need to keep …
  • There's a great website that I use regularly call   It has information for both professionals and lay people.  There is an area called "Collective Wisdom and History" which should give you and your employees every bit of informat…
  • Just a personal observation from my experience, but if you have a "we vs they" mentality going on, your supervisors not only need training, but your entire management team needs to get to know your people better.  More communication and team buildin…
  • In the past, I have seen these things turn into popularity contests.  If you aren't willing to spend some time on it to develop good selection criteria and then give recognition to the performers who do the most for the company, then don't do it.  M…
  • Keep in mind that Supervisors and Superintendants need consistency, too.  Those who aren't following the rules are subject to disciplinary measures, too.  I would rather have an angry supervisor than a quarter million dollar judgement because someon…
  • It's really tough for a small company to give vacation time because of the need to cover available work.  If that's not an issue, like you say, then here is an example of what we do.  Prorated vacation the first year of employment.  Two weeks of vac…
  • We offer Flu Shots to all of our employees for a minimal fee (just to keep them honest about showing up to get the shot) of $3.00, then we allow spouses on our insurance plan to get the shots for $5.00 and all others $20.00.  Still beats the heck ou…
  • Karen, I'm not a salesman... I came across an appraisal program that you can tailor for every job in your company and it's cheap.  Contact a gentleman name Clyde Johnson at JCM Consulting,  His phone is 801-322-3700.  I love…
  • I must be an Neanderthal or some kind of throw back...  I remember terminating an employee for "Loss of Confidence".  We told him that we had lost our confidence in his ever being the type of employee we wanted in our company.  Folks, you are HR Man…
  • You have to remember, that these are the same people who made a major news story out of the "great earthquake" along the New Madrid fault in the late 80's or early 90's because some quack predicted it through visions or something... and then of cour…
  • It's been a million years ago since I was involved in a drug/alcohol abuse clinic, but one of the patterns we used to look for was Monday & Friday absences from work.  Is there any reason to believe that your "FMLA" employee may have a drug or a…
  • I have to agree with employee B.  Why should Sally drive up my insurance rates, get at least an hour a day away from work (and that's probably a conservative estimate) and get the luxury of supplying her nicotine addicition.  I'm a former smoker, bu…
  • If I remember correctly, you might have to "self-report" the incident to the IRS and indicate how you have corrected the situation so that it doesn't happen again.  Your plan's legal team should be able to help with this.
  • Why not just require the Weather Wimps to use vacation time for any day that you are open and they don't return to work?  They get to make the determination of whether it's safe to drive and don't feel pressured to jeopardize their safety.  Most tim…