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  • Whirlwind, eight maids a'milking that will be hard to top. But here it goes. On the ninth day of Christmas my boss required us... to fire a rotten ole' cus.
  • Thank you Cheryl for reminding us what Thanksgiving is all about. God bless you and your family. Angie
  • Scorpio, i quit smoking 6 years ago. I have to give the glory to whom it belongs and that is Jesus. I asked for His help and He overcame what i could not. I also quit buying the pack a day. I decided i didn't need to quit as badly as i needed to…
    in Ex Smokers? Comment by AnnGee April 2005
  • Jesus. Then i know this would be the end of all the hurts and tears. Amen.
  • Nat, i am hoping you are still out there and i can get a copy of your no fault point system that allows the employees to earn points back. This original message if from October 2003, but when i went into the search engine, it popped up this thread.…
  • Thank you for the information on not writing on their time cards. The owner is the one who instructed them to start this habit, so i will get him this information and maybe he will understand the frustration of not following procedures. Thanks.
  • I have been wanting to ask this question myself since we have 17 employees and 4 or 5 will not punch in or out. Since they will not punch in or out, can we legally dock each incident by 15 minutes? I see where they write in the time on the days th…
  • We did not terminate his employment. In fact we didn't want to do that, but just wondered if we could insist he seek mental health. Since he has decided to do that on his own, my original question was answered. Thank you.
  • Thank you for the reminder. He does have short term and long term disability benefits. I will get him the information.
  • One time it appears he is just depressed, but the next time he calls in it is because he hasn't slept for 2 days. We have since heard from him, and he is seeking in patient mental health treatment with his doctor. Thanks for your answers, it looks…
  • Thanks for your insight. This employee did finally go get stitches and we drug tested. But now i know how to respond in the future with a "near miss". thanks.
  • Thank you all for your response, it has been very helpful. Angie.
  • Thanks to all who have answered. Guess this is not a clear cut decision. The question is all moot at this point because our lawyer emailed that he intends to continue fighting us here at the district level. For the one who asked, he is his own la…
  • He is not class protected. Is he alienated by other employees? I am not sure what you mean, but if you are asking does he play well with others? NO. To add drama, he is the owners brother. The 1st amendment rights question is what i am asking. …
  • Thanks to all who replied. Guess this is a new lesson learned to get to work no matter how the weather is. thanks.
  • Don't hire. Take it from a company that has been in a fight for 7 years. The owner hired his brother knowing he refused to pay taxes. Since then myself, the IRS commissioner, the State of Oregon, our lawyers, our company and the owner are intangl…
  • Take it from a company that is in the middle of a very long drawn out law suit brought on by the brother of the owner, because he renounced his SSN and thinks he does not have to pay taxes. This has been going on for 7 years now, and no end in sigh…
  • I hope this office of people are not that insensitive, so perhaps this ee has prior requests that did not make sense. Shame on those people if they did just order the Chinese Food to test her honesty.
  • I found in the HRedge Inc under Travel & Entertainment Policy & Procedure Manual, an option to provide Travel Advance. they stated that if the employee did not provide receipts in a certain amount of time, the employer could take the advanc…