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  • Yea, well Katrina pretty much to care of any interesting sites other than the total destruction of everything and anything. Just getting South of Lumberton will be a challange. A couple of the casinos have re-opened but that would not be of value …
  • shirley: There many more than two! These two have just been great and easy to enter and FREE, once one bought the otherwise good subscription. The cost is in the time away from the company's business. PORK
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 11-29-05 AT 03:50PM (CST)[/font][br][br]I for one highly incourage you to do just that. I also render an apology to anyone of you that felt my postings were out of place. I had an agenda to get the wor…
  • Bush has said it many times, they hate Freedom! There is an old movie "The Ugly American" which pertains to the drive of China toward Communism. That movie needs to be brought back and become mandatory viewing for everyone of us. Each congressman…
  • Nothing, it is a great place to visit(I did once), and smoke pot, live with the ho's and "sweet hearts of the same sex". Family values are not core to their world nor is the desire and fight for a or any value, just be and let be. Choices are plen…
  • Well the Kerries will never tuffen-up the immigration laws either, but what he will do is make the minimum wage even "mo better" to entice mo illegals to come. I wonder just how many companies producing something have a single person on or even hir…
  • Don't be so quick to pass over the middle of the road performers in the academic arena. I was below the middle of the roaders in my undergraduate work and "let the pack" in my Master's program. There was some time in between study programs to pick…
  • The position I presently have is because I caught the eye of the person screening the many letters with resume'. My opening words were:Stop, look no more for you have found the HR with the ability to be the answer to your dreams. I am located with…
  • When someone is apparantly sick we ask them to go home for concern for other employees catching an illness that no one wishes to have. Yesterday, I became ill from some medication I had taken before coming to the office. The General Manager was ve…
  • KEVIN B: I recommend that you make contact with your local Federal Wage and Hour folks and have them send you a copy of the FLSA. I have one and it is all scared up from years of use and other notes beyond the normal everyday rule of proceedures. …
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-21-06 AT 02:41PM (CST)[/font][br][br]TPACE: We use a pay for performance system. We start our labor folks at $7.00 and hour and after the initial training period of 60 days they can be given a 50 cen…
  • JUDY: First of all welcome to the Forum, where you can get some real help! You are on the side of the law, but stuck right in the middle where you as the HR should not be. HRs should never become the "Time clock police". The only thing in this a…
  • LRIE: Within the same work week, a non-exempt can make up time lost due to some emergency in the same workweek. The problem you will have with this is the supervisor that is not forceful in his/her execution, and then gets to where ees are making …
  • Yes; the company does pay for 15 minute breaks simply by not counting the breaks taken as seperate over the course of an 8 hour work day. The meal break is not paid; but you need to make sure the individual is not at their cage counting drawer moni…
    in Non-exempt Comment by pork1 March 2006
  • KKOEHLER: You should recommend to the senior leaders that HR needs a different attorney, one that knows FLSA especially the EXEMPT/NON-EXEMPT pieces. It is not ok to just pay a salary to everyone and consider everyone as EXEMPT from the FLSA. Y…
  • BRANDY: You would still have to keep record of the time worked on the pieces on which you would base a rate of pay and these times must be included within your 40 hour work week. We have a particular position (6 total)that is on the clock, but th…
  • HCA: Good morning from the great state of Mississippi; we use time cards and the same time clock for everyone. While we have the time card on everyone, we do not use the EXEMPT time card to calculate his/her weekly earnings, unless the individual p…
  • How about FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938). Only with their specific written permission can one deduct anything from their pay. Now, most of us have been creative and figure out ways to get that written permission. The first piece of evide…
  • LindaS: We use a six month history for regular employees to determine the actual amount that garnishments, child support, IRS, and EDucation orders is to be deducted from an employee's pay. Any time the number of hours decreases below 32, we go th…
  • RUSKNANE: Do as I have done for years, and put the issue into the hands of the Management team who directly control the performance issues of their team members who may be EXEMPT and NON-EXEMPT. Let the responsible manager make that call and you d…
  • HHAYNAL: I think critical to understanding your situation, you must have a very clear determination of the starting and stopping of the "work week". Ours is Sunday to Saturday and that is 0001 Sunday to 2400 Saturday, all time worked during these …
  • MISKLU: If the accounting Managers position has certifications and educational elements associated with it, which would take up better than 80% of her/his time. But as you observe the task being accomplished as physical and clerical then I would s…
  • AMERCY: Give yourself a break and let the management chain do the policing of the Salaried individuals, as well as, the non-exempt employees. HR has got a lots more to worry about than the comings and goings of an EXEMPT employee. It is not our…
  • May I suggest you make contact with your liability carrier. In our case if someone is on the clock and out doing business for our company then we are liable. If out doing business for the company and stops by the "little go bar" for snacks, then w…
  • DON: It becomes the companies' responsibility when the essential function of a job is detrimental to the health and safety of the employee. There is more than one way to get time recorded and it is the companies responsibility to make the decision…
  • My biggest concern would be for the man's health and the risk the company is taking bhy requiring this person do walk to and punch in or out for work. Give his supervisor a time card and have the ee fill it in and out with a pen, daily. Putting …
  • MISKLU: Based on my reading of the FLSA and "outside" Sales person is exempt from the standards set in the FLSA. Are these positions correctly classified with their work accomplishing the production of sales for the company? If you are comfortable…
  • I have always pushed the company to set up policy and systems such that any placement of cash into the hands of an employee is documented as an "advance of wages", otherwise, the company becomes a banking institution, which is not the primary functi…
  • CAROLISO: I would include an approval list for travel advances including any number of persons in his chain of authority. These managers need to know that company assets have been placed "in advance" in the hands of their sales staff and should th…
  • CAROL: Do you have an "accounts receivable" set-up for the advance? If so there may already be signed agreement in the application of the travel advance. Check with accounting to see what words they used in setting up the issuance of a $800.00 tr…