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  • Now, that would be the truth.
  • "rita anz" The comment means that Don had sent out enough jabs to rival, D'Kane.
  • Are you over yourself now?
  • Don, it is CMC. And you win for being the most insulting. Peace.
  • Me too!
  • "You're wrong. Any one of us can play the race card at any time. Playing the race card does not require that one be OF a certain race, only that they make a conscious decision to derail the conversation by exclaiming 'the whole thing is due to nothi…
  • Thanks Don for your welcome. I guess I did not paint as clear a picture as we either of us thought. Since your rapid conclusions tend to suggest that you have already pegged who and what I am. I get the impression that you think that I wrote from…
  • Actually, my question/response was in response to a post by Norawi.
  • So you see the people who wear locks and braids as "unmade beds?" How stereotypical can you be? There are enough unkempt people without them and just as many neatly groomed people with them. That comment was shameful and on the verge of being...
  • I am new to this forum. And, I am glad you guys are here. I could not pass up this topic, or the preceding comment, which is representative of most of the ones that have been posted in support of the CEO's/ owner's "right" to perpetuate a certain …