M in AZ


M in AZ
Last Active
Guest, Member


  • Guess I should have ready everyone's message to know that I needed to post my fax number 602 992-0575 Attn: Mary R. Thanks.
  • You really did get hit with the requests. I have found the link you mentioned and am gettting it as I respond. Thanks for your help.
  • I haven't used this forum much, but would greatly appreciate also getting a hard copy. What do I need to do to get that info from you?
  • I appreciate the input. No, I am not guaranteeing a salary and paying hourly. That truly would be a nightmare - and drive me out of the HR department. The salary is paid on a fixed biweekly rate.
  • As was indicated in an earlier response - exempt employees can also put in long hours - with no renumeration back in overtime. It is suppose to be a win win siutation for all involved - not just the employer. If the employer feels the personnel di…
  • We have 3 different "categories" of employment. Administration, certified and classified. From there we determine if they are full or part time positions - and benefits, vacation, holiday, sick, insurance etc. availability is based on their catego…
  • Would you mind forwarding a copy of your policy. That has been something that has been brought up on discussions here, but we have not put in place. We are looking to revamp policy this summer and would be interested in how yours works. Thanks.
  • Thanks for the references and input. We aren't going to change teachers to hourly to avoid what will probably amount to a small handful of teachers who will use more days than available in half-day increments. That's the cost of doing business. …
  • Your first response indicated we could reduce pay in less than 1 day increments - if we paid licensed teachers hourly. If we pay our licensed teachers by way of salary, docking less than 1 full day (exclude FMLA) is not an option? Basically, if we…
  • Thanks. We have all certified (licensed) teachers set up as salaried for convenience sake. There is an annual contract and personnel handbook that states days taken in excess will be docked. Sounds like we have it covered,or am I overlooking some…
  • The fact the other women are "grossed out" sounds like not only you are aware of her personal dressing habits (or lack of), but so are they. Has she been sharing this with coworkers or have other people been sharing it? If she has not shared it, t…
    in underclothes Comment by M in AZ May 2004