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  • Thank you for your input. I am going to look in to the safety aspect. Regarding OSHA 300 , I meant filling up the form or logging it. Thank you again Aspen29
  • We have a similar situation. An EE availed 12 weeks of FMLA from August 03 to November 03. (Our rolling calendar year is from 08/01 to 07/31 due to collective barging agreement). On 06/02/04, EE submitted a physician note along with temporary disabi…
  • Dear Don: According to HR Manager, the EE in question was transferred to HR in June, 2003 and received following warnings in 9 months. 1. Lateness - Verbal 2. Absences - Written 3. Performance / Incompetence - Counseling 4.…
  • Dear Forum Members: I am surprised to note that I am hiding some thing from the forum members. There is nothing to hide from you all. I believed that forum members would provide proper advice based on the issues not on the person posting the messag…
  • Dear Forum Members: Thank you all for the valuable input. The incident is being further investigated and a decision will be made soon. Thank you again.
  • Forum Members: Thank you all for prompt responses. I agree with you that I was not clear where the file was. We keep all the personnel files in secured file cabinets by separating active and inactive files. The file in question was in the inactive …
  • Forum Members: Thank you all for prompt responses. I agree with you that I was not clear where the file was. We keep all the personnel files in secured file cabinets by separating active and inactive files. The file in question was in the inactive …
  • Dear Forum Members: My thanks to Marc and Sonny for their input. I will review further and make a proposal to my boss. Thank you again.
  • Dear Forum Members: My thanks to Popeye, Don, Gillian, Marc and Pork for there prompt response to my questions. Some of you wanted to know our company policies and here they are: Our 50% of workforce is under Collective Bargaining Agreement - CBA…
  • Crout: The other day, I contacted the NJ Wage & Hour Law department. I was advised that there is no minimum to pay and it's only a company policy. However, I will further research. Thank you for the input.
  • Ritamcguire: Your thoughts are great. I will look in to your second thought particularly Thank you for your input.
  • Dear Mr. Sokolowski: Thank you for your prompt response. I clearly understand your point of view. It shows "discrimination" and demoralizing. But bottom line is we are trying to reduce the payroll expenses. We will try to re-negotiate the Collectiv…
  • Dear Hatchetman: Thank you for prompt response. I have reviewed New Jersey State Wage and Hour Law and there is no regulation to pay for minimum hours. Bottom line is we are trying to reduce the payroll expenditure by re-negotiating Collective Bar…
  • Dear S.Moll: Thank you for your prompt response. Ours is a 24x7 operations with 6 shifts. We schedule with 5% cushion for tardiness & absents and if every one shows up some times it creates overstaffing. Meanwhile, I am not familiar with "call …
  • Dear Marc: The EE was on FMLA some time in December 2003. I believe we are ok with FMLA and not considered as retaliation. I contacted the physician to verify the dates. Physician's secretary verified that EE visited the physician on 02/13/04 to …
  • Dear Don: The EE was on FMLA some time in December 2003. I believe we are ok with FMLA and not considered as retaliation. I contacted the physician to verify the dates. Physician's secretary verified that EE visited the physician on 02/13/04 to o…
  • Dear Crout: The EE was on FMLA some time in December 2003. I believe we are ok with FMLA and not considered as retaliation. I contacted the physician to verify the dates. Physician's secretary verified that EE visited the physician on 02/13/04 to…
  • Dear Whatever: I contacted the physician to verify the dates. Physician's secretary verified that EE visited the physician on 02/13/04 to obtain a note for 1/28 through 1/30. That means the EE do not have any documentation for 1/31 through 2/15. As…
  • Dear S. Moll: I contacted the physician to verify the dates. Physician's secretary verified that EE visited the physician on 02/13/04 to obtain a note for 1/28 through 1/30. That means the EE do not have any documentation for 1/31 through 2/15. As …
  • Dear Denise: I contacted the physician to verify the dates. Physician's secretary verified that EE visited the physician on 02/13/04 to obtain a note for 1/28 through 1/30. That means the EE do not have any documentation for 1/31 through 2/15. As I…
  • Thank you for your valuable advise. Regarding the 2nd employee, problem is solved. The ee has reported to work on 12/8th. Regarding the first employee, I am fully aware that there were some "errors" occured. However, I am trying to rectify them by …
    in LOA Comment by aspen29 December 2003