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  • I agree with the "ma'am" debate. I'm 35, no kids and I feel 25, so it's horrible to be a "Ma'am". Makes me feel 80 years old! Hope their aren't any 80 year olds on this forum! I thought this thread was about hooking other Forumites up if they w…
  • I've got your back, Don D. (but you do the comments about cornfed, etc. pretty much are true for this part of the country)!
  • The seats were great and I DID eat a brat for you KSimonton. I was too far away to check out Brett Favre's butt, but I'm sure it was nice. Is that why I have heartburn today? Sounds like you had a great time, but you couldn't have paid me to go …
  • It is a deal! Make an HR hero sign so we know who you are if you get on TV! Wear your cheese head and have a great time!
  • Being a "Packer Backer" since birth (my dad's from Sheboygan!), I understand your enthusiasm and am entirely too jealous. Eat a brat for me!
  • Gray hair works for me as long as it's not involved in the dreaded comb-over!
  • I am so, like, freaking like totally out right now! I totally remember being that cool! K
  • Yup, you can terminate them. If you don't get their money, you can't include it in your premium payment to your insurance company. You do need to notify the insurance company to tell them why your payment is lower than expected so that your compan…
  • Hey Pork, I bet our govenor knows your govenor! I'm sure California's problems and concessions (overcrowding of schools, federal documents in Spanish, etc.) are coming down the pike for the Mid-South. Memphis is already hiring bi-lingual police o…
  • Before I get slammed I am not a racist, but I am sick and tired of illegal immigrants getting into this country and thinking they have all rights to work and education as the rest of the immigrants (my grandparents included) who came here through El…
  • On another bulletin board "PIMP" means "peeing in my pants" (from LOL)x:-) So I was quite interested in this thread after reading the title. Thanks for the laugh!
  • Just my quick two cents: Most carriers won't allow arbitrary removal of dependents. There must be a "qualifying event" i.e. divorce, supported by a divorce decree. An HR person cannot call up the carrier and just say "take this person off". If t…
  • This is currently happening to me so I had to speak up. My former employer completely eliminated my position thereby terminating me without cause. Since I filed for unemployment & received payments, my former employer has appealed and now I ha…