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  • We are in Texas, which is very pro-employee. So, we should be OK. We are definitely going to spell this out in the written document. Thanks for your quick response, Nae! I feel much better about this.....
  • We have a self-funded plan and currently charge the same rate for 1 child or 10 children. We are considering rate increases on a per child basis. For example, we would charge one rate for an employee with 1 to 3 children, but if they have 4 or mor…
  • Employer's must distribute Summary Plan Descriptions (SPD's) to employees, which are explanations of welfare/pension plans in "plain English". If a Plan Document is changed, a Summary of Material Modifications (SMM) should be distributed to employ…
  • Thanks for all of your suggestions. We have OSHA and HR training under control. Our President's main concern is Supervisory Training (we promote employees to management positions with no training. A common problem, I'm sure). Also customer servic…
  • I think I would put the question back to the HR clerk about what she suggests should be done. That way, she can be involved in the solution. But, I would also tell her that the situation cannot be ignored; these invoices must be paid and the job o…
  • He put the question back on me to tell him what other HR managers report to their CEO's!