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  • Thanks very much, it looks great!
  • Best email is [email][/email]. Thank you very much for your help!!
  • My husband and I try very hard to support the pork market, we do quite a bit of meat smoking, and pork is by far our favorite to work with!! Happy holidays to you!!
  • No, I knew that's what you meant, but I wanted to impress upon my boss the various liability exposures we would have by doing it his way. He doesn't like to be told no, so I try to temper my response with a way to do what he wants that's legal. Ha…
  • Thanks to those who responded!! We are processing through payroll (which is how I wanted to do anyways!!!) May everyone in the forum have a safe and happy season!!
  • Wouldn't be easier and more cost effective to schedule the pest control for after work hours? That way you don't have the free 30 minutes to the employees, and the exposure for changing the timecards. We had a similar problem at a company, the pes…