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  • We are an aviation company. We have and entire charter department with pilots that fly our charter aircraft. We are not an Airline like Southwest or American, but a Private/Corporate business. T in HR
  • First we do not own these planes. We only manage them for someone else and we charted them out which makes money for us and the owner of the plane. The pilots are not paid per the hours they fly, but according to which type of aircraft they are fl…
  • Thank you for your imput. I am currently getting more specifics from our charter department as to whether the pilots are fully aware of this when it comes to the owners and the salary reimbursement or not. Thanks.
  • The reason for the reduction is becaause the owner of the new aircraft that we have brought on has a top out pay for what he will pay for the pilots and they both make more than what the owner will pay. So since the pilot pay in completely reimburs…
  • The plane that they are currentley piloting in lbeing sold by the owner, so we are signed on another plane to our charter certificate that is owned by someone else. We will still have a plane for them to fly except the owner does not want to pay as…
  • I have not heard of any video thats out, but I do know what you mean about employees not getting it. I just had a meeting with the president of the company about this same thing. Of course he did not want to deal with it, I was going to put out a …
  • I know all the employess that we have here and the ones that are married or not married. His reason for the information is because he would like to offer the employees and X amount of money each month to go and get on their spouses insurance becaus…