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  • We also have optional direct deposit and adopted the policy of charging the employee for the stop payment fee a few years ago. It is amazing to me how many employees want to wait another few days for the check to show up once they find out about th…
  • When we converted to PTO we also added a temporary disability plan that accrues on hours worked, but is not paid out upon termination. We put 3 of the previous 12 "sick" days into the new PTO schedule and put 6 into the new TD plan, so they actuall…
  • The church employees are volunteering.
  • "Accounting is black and white. HR is fuzzy grey and off white at times. The two do not mix well at all." Just for the record, accounting is far from black and white. We strive for "consistency" in policy interpretation just as much in HR as we do…
  • I have to take issue with your blanket generalization of accounting/finance reports. I have been in HR for 20 years at several different employers. I went back to school after several years in the HR field and became a CPA. I have now grown into …
  • I would change your system to not allow supervisors to adjust the time clock hours themselves. We only allow our Payroll department to change recorded hours and she only changes them with a signed authorization from the employee and the supervisor.…
  • Thanks for the advice. I have an e-mail in the regional OFCCP office, just waiting for their reply. We did ask our attorney and she said we would need one. However, two other SNF facilities in our area (of similar size) were told they did not. I…